I have 2 hub shelters , a 2-3 man killzone & a 3-4 man XL Killzone. Neither are insulated. I like the height of the XL because usually it gets the most company and people tend to stand up. As far as insulated , I run a Mr. Buddy Heater . It does well in the 2-3 man , like no jacket on only a sweat shirt. The heater does not keep up enough in the XL in negative temps so we run 2 heaters , lol I don't like being cold when I have the equipment.
I see The eskimo Quick fish -3 is on backorder from Fish USA, I would start looking elsewhere as they usually don't keep a good restock for specialty gear and only go on sale if they have left overs at end of season. While they are a GREAT store, with super fast shipping , I find when that type of stuff is gone, its gone..
This place is near me and is geared towards ice fishers. I know their site says out of stock but they usually have many things in store that's not listed on their site and things in stock that say out of stock, I'd give them a call and see what they got. They probably got the QF-3. I will be in their store on Saturday and can let you know .
https://www.fish307.com/ice-shelters-accessories/ Or try here also.. This is a fantastic Adirondack store and they don't list anything on their site..
funny how those ADK people are outta touch with the www, lol
http://www.crossroadsoutdoors.com/index.asp Good luck and happy new year . I'm resting the hurting foot so I can post some Lake trout pic's for ya'll this weekend.
Peace & Tuna