If a guy was lookin to purchase say....... a new ice fishing hut and this guy fishes mostly by one's self and must manually drag his equipment because his stupid state disallows any motorized vehicles on the ice. What one hut would be the most likely recommended, keeping in mind the hut must be transported and set up by one little old guy unless, a couple of his friends convince him to take them fishing. Therefore the hut should comfortably seat no less than two people, plus gear, at any given time? Also keep in mind, these friends couldn't stack bales of hay in broad daylight on a mild summer day so absolutely no setup/tear down help can be expected.
I'll be researching ice huts on FishUSA for a bit, so please feel free to leave a suggestion or two but it keep it quiet as I think the wife may be listening.
If going with another, I'd recommend a hub shelter. Cant give a specific product due to mine (killzone) is no longer available . I'm pretty sure all the other manufactures are reliable . I spent $99.00 on the smaller zone and $150.0 on the larger. Larger is better, to a point.
Tips : would be height. My smaller 2-3 man hub is a 2 person shelter and standing up means hunching over.
The larger 3-4 man is a good 3 person that we can stand up straight. Personally, I'd keep my price in that range , give or take.
Any hub (pop up) pretty much requires 2 to set it up, especially in wind although I've done mine solo.
Mine have a single 2 zipper triangle door. 1 zipper means 1, less thing to malfunction. 2 doors are not necessary.
These days I rock my shappell rover (no longer available ) or the Shappell 1.0, an excellent shanty.
No way it will fit 2 people but its a great all in 1 sled @ $249.00 which has remained stable price .
I'm very mobile with that sled solo.