Oh we love homegrown homemade foods. I've become quite the cook lately.
Right now the house smells of garlic, basil and oregano for another batch of dough.
Later I'm going to make some blueberry bread with blueberries I picked over the summer and frozen.
I'm running low on garlic, 75 plants didn't cut it . I'm glad I've got 300 in the ground now.
So this is kinda a review of a product I tried, CBD. Been having lots of joint and mussel pains again. Probably the lyme flaring up again but my wife suggested to try some high grade ( expensive) CBD suave.
Well I was reluctant as I think it's just a snake oil fad thing.
So in about a week of trying it, I concur. Its nothing more than the old standard Ben **** but with a fancy name, price and different smell ( yes, like weed).
For all the hype CBD gets , I just didn't see it as helpful. I guess it's back to the high powered antibiotics again. I don't like taking meds but I gotta do something