HT, the Kahtoola problem was fixed and they are back to holding up. This from mountaineers, not flat walkers. Also not from the net, but people I know and meet on trails. I put on a lot of miles in the woods, especially in winter. I asked a friend that manages an EMS about it, and he said the returns stopped about a year ago, and were'nt that many. Mine are on their third sharpening, so I may replace them. I probably will get Hillsounds.- same design, but with an adjustable instep strap that helps to keep them from rolling when sidehilling. TMI for this forum, but I give them a solid 8.
If any of you run across Sabre Hooks for fly tying- think about their use. I've had quite a few fail. OK for sharks, but losing a trophy steel because of a bad hook sucks. Much better luck with Mustad. Fly Shack, a very big seller of online flies uses the Sabre hooks, and that's where I bought mine, in their shop in Gloversville, NY. Great shop, but the hooks ain't. Just slightly cheaper than Mustad. I bought some squiggly worm material in pink and chartreuse (for green weenies) and can't wait to see how well it works on steel. I used silicone thinned with mineral spirits rubbed into chenille for a pretty effective pink worm, this may have more movement and be far easier. All Seasons probably has something similar, their tying section is excellent. Oh yeah, I like All Seasons- I give them a solid 8. Some of my favorite gear is from there- Frabill nets, Stryker gloves and mitts , Mustad hooks, for a few examples. Their fly tying section is as good as anywhere I've been, with a few exceptions. Prices are very good.