2018/04/16 23:19:10
Not much to report except work continues and it was too darned muddy for me to leave my vehicle and do some snooping on foot. Only real activity was some surveying on one dam sight (no pun intended😏) but work is definitely progressing. Would be a great job to serve as the "Clerk of The Works".

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2018/04/26 14:58:51
Metal Bob
Awesome! This is great news
2018/05/07 10:42:33
Mike thanks for posting the link. Sure is exciting to see the work taking place.

I would also like to give a big hearty thank you to the folks like Karen Lippert and "The Friends of Tamarack" for seeing the project through. 🍻
2018/08/16 08:56:36
Tamarack Lake enthusiast should be happy (I am) as work looks to be progressing well.  The following pics were taken with an ipad by fishin coyote, as he was out-and-about, seeing what kind of conditions the conditions was in.
As does others, I have tons of memories fishing Tamarack and it's good to see through the efforts and hard work by "Friends of Tamarack" the future will bring memories to many many others.
Thanks Mike for taking the time to snap, and allowing me to post, some great pictures. 
aaaaaaand now without further ado........
Attachments are not available: Download requirements not met    North End
Attachments are not available: Download requirements not met   South End
Cont. on next page.........


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2018/08/16 08:58:45
Continued from pg 75
Attachments are not available: Download requirements not met  South End


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2018/08/16 11:14:04
nice, 12 months from now we could be fishing there
2018/08/16 13:08:48
Thanks for posting the update. What a nice sight for sore eyes,(and knee). I have been wondering how the project has been going...olds
2018/08/16 13:26:53
fishin coyote
Felllow fisherman, 
I'd like to have gotten some better pics but can say they are really moving a lot of dirt around especially on the north end. Hopefully the weather holds out and they can get it finished before the deadline. I'd guess that we may be able to fish it again in 2020 
2018/08/16 16:55:49
Thanks for the updates , really enjoyed fishing that lake can’t wait to be doing it again !👍

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