2017/10/24 14:32:49
I'm not for returning the Tamm to a brood lake but some tigers would be fine.

Gonna be great, just to float a boat on her waters, even if just one more time.
2017/10/24 22:35:50
thought I read somewhere or maybe my uncle told me they planned on panfish and bass. "Friends of Tamarack" is in my mind for some reason. I think their page on fb is where I seen it a few months ago. 
I bet the muskie clubs will want the nursery again, they did well there but it may be completely different lake when it comes to conditions. Obviously it will be same size and shape but the water clarity, structure, ph wont be the exact same as before for awhile if ever. Muskie rearing may not work as well
2017/10/25 14:43:27
With the way PFBC finances are going, they wont be able to continually stock the new and improved Tamarack with Tigers or Purebreds. Pan fish and Largemouth only need stocked once...
2017/10/25 17:06:16
Chances are, the Pa. Legislature is gonna allow the license increases, but there still remains a problem. Having two separate enforcement bodies, both of which are overloaded and top heavy in the administration departments, takes a ton of money. (Using last years' figures, published in Pa. Angler & Boater), 69% of the total income for PFBC went to administrative fees, ie: Offices, vehicles, wages, benefits, etc.
If both the PFBC & the PGC could be merged, (seein' as how both are law enforcement agencies), at least much of the admin expenses could go away, leaving more cash for hatcheries, launches, Game Lands, and the like.
I know! Wishful thinking, but I'm just sayin'.
2017/10/25 17:38:23
I have no problem with the budget for administration cost. I do have a problem with most of the money spent on do nothing positions. The PFBC needs to get out of biology and back into enforcement. Sorry PSU fans but enough with the biologist thingy we need to get back to the basics.

Anyways took a little ride, just me and my bride, to see what kinda conditions the conditions is in.


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EAST BOAT LAUNCH boat dock is at the edge of the green grass where it sank in 2012. Ramp lane has since grown over.
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WEST END. Boat dock patiently waits for the first boat.
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PS. Sorry bout the shoddy pics. inclement weather and my phone cam sucks!


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2017/10/25 18:14:23

MY BACK YARD. When I returned home.😎

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2017/10/26 12:29:20
I have to say BTDT, you have a gorgeous view in your back yard...
2017/11/17 15:41:17
Just got home from a drive around Tamarack to see what's going on. Not much to report. No equipment to be seen at either dam. There are survey markers at the Meadville end though. I guess that's a start. Sure would have liked to see some actual workers there.
2017/11/18 00:01:23
olds-pa thank you for the comment of my back yard.  I apologize for being tardy but, I just saw your page.
Thanks a bunch for posting your report on Tamarack it is nice to hear there is some positive movement.  There was nothing at all my last trip 4 weeks ago.  Sure would be sweet to see a couple thousand metric tons of extra dirt removed from one end to the other.  Oh hell, make that a couple million metric tons.  Somebody can use some extra fill dirt.  lol
2017/12/31 23:48:13
Pa Fisher
Was up there the week before christmas and there was construction equipment by the south dam.  Also it looked like they started moving dirt.

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