2019/02/09 07:55:09
Thanks for the update fishin coyote. I was planning on driving over for a look see. You saved me the time and gas needed. Seems to be pretty much all good news...olds
2019/02/09 13:18:13
Super good news Mike, thanks for putting it up.👍

Once again, KUDOS to "The Friends of Tamarack". job well done.🍻
2019/03/21 16:17:31
  I took a ride past Tamarack Lake yesterday. The south end (Pettets)  has a large pool in front of the dam about 50 yards long. There is also a channel going up the lake as far as I could see from the road.
If the lake is to be full by the end of this year...better get'er done.
  I was told when the lake was first built that the runoff from the surrounding hills and springs was equal to a 6 inch pipe running full flow year around.  Well, there's 285 days left this year and a lot of dry lake bed to fill.  
  Later...  Chuckles
2019/03/21 21:24:40
Can yinz imagine the excitement that must be running through the minds of "Friends of Tamarack" each day, as the water becomes deeper and deeper.

Pachuckles it was certainly nice of you to post an update. For sure it will take quite sometime as the filling will be very controlled, allowing for the engineers to observe the new dams.

Congratulations to "The Friends of Tamarack".
2019/03/28 08:23:02
Thanks for the link Mike, interesting read.

I did giggle when it was mentioned, weeds so thick you can walk across them. Reminded me of the good ole days at Tamarack before the first draining.

Good times (again at Tamarack) and tight lines. 🍻
2019/05/17 06:40:11
fishin coyote
This was in the Meadville paper yesterday


2019/05/17 10:04:14
Darned interesting, thanks for posting the link Mike. 👍
2019/05/17 10:40:09
zap em all.
i recently found out that when the state nets invasive fish in their survey nets they get re-released.
carp, chain pickerel (in wrong drainages) because it'd be too hard to take them all out...
well, wouldn't reducing their print make sense?  I'd imagine if you let a local Amish community they can come pick up tons of carp for fertilizer they'd help the heap of stink. 
i also very much appreciate that they're attempting to remove these carp before refilling.  
happy friday. 
2019/05/20 06:50:08
I've read that bowfin are the biggest predator of carp.  Some may not like the idea of putting another toothy predator into our lakes, but it seems like they do help control the carp populations in the waters that they currently reside.  I haven't noticed an over abundance of carp in Conneaut Lake.

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