I am, most likely, one of the luckiest archers when it comes to having time, land, and health for hunting. I have stands in the thickest of 'river bottom' growth, along with access to open woods and, farm fields. From my back deck I can see acres upon acres of this land and, at times of the year I can see different groups of deer and tell you what direction from which they'll come and, which direction they will go. I have pictures, taken by hand held and field cameras, of deer showing up almost the same time every evening or morning during certain times of the year. This past summer/fall I captured pictures of 5 different legal bucks (two wall hangers) less than 120 yds from my favorite shooting stand (my back deck). Doe and other bucks were constantly milling, lounging and, feeding in my back field into late summer early fall.
My field was certainly not free from strange scent as I, and my two 'Bumpous Hounds', frequent the area weekly. If not mowing the 8' foot wide cartway around the field I was shooting guns and/or bow on my shooting range.
These critters have some form of built in 'Day Light Savings Time' that changes their habits like something flips a switch. No more seeing them in their regular patterns or catching them on fieldcam. Well used areas now become abandoned and the abandoned areas become well used. The million dollar question; where will they be, during legal shooting time? Silly me, that's why it's called hunting!
The time I spend scouting and looking for a good spot to set a stand is based not, on hopes of getting that 'wall hanger' but, where I can find easy access to areas hopefully holding a legal shooter. The easy access is for getting the animal out of the area and back to my house without, taking all day and night. Don't seem to be able to drag em the way I use to.
Can't complain, saw deer so I did, and I passed on several doe and was taken by surprise when a six point turned out to be a seven point. Was on the ground lookin that critter right in the eye 20 paces out and let him go by, didn't see the third point on his left antler, so I didn't.
Never saw that dude before, not even on film, and I sure didn't see hide nor hair of him again or, the other shooters I'd been getting pictures of.
Been here seven years now and this is the first year that I could take the time and scout my hunting area. Taking time to look for those areas of easy access, deer activity, as well as activity by other hunters. As soon as the weather improves (this weekend) I'll be setting ladder stands in some new areas with hopes of getting my trophy in second season archery.
As for firearms, I'm surrounded by tree stands belonging to other hunters so, you'll find my azz sitting on my back deck!
There's been times I walked into the woods and in a matter of a few hours was on my way home with my trophy. There's been times I've hunted til the last hour before gettin my trophy. There's been times, like this year, I may have to wait for the next season to get my trophy. There's been more times, than not, that I didn't get a deer and that includes pre AR!
However, I wish somebody had the AR rule shoved where the sun don't shine and I'm hoping someone in the PGC comes to their sense's before the remaining deer are completely anilated in my little piece of heaven. Trust me, the tree stands have tripled over the past two years and when the deer are gone, those tree stands will move to somebody else's little piece of heaven. Perhaps yours.