Wags I have been there several times these critters will drive you nuts -but when it all comes together its all worth it-carry on!
BTDT-got to agree "Still PLENTY of time..." if it was easy I would not be interested.
As far as pics just download them to putor'-and upload to photobucket or similar-then its copy paste not that hard maybe have someone you know show you its easy once you figure it all out.
Here's my day in nutshell-seemed like the rut was on pause til last minutes.I still enjoyed it all part of the madness it will happen sooner or later here...
4 hrs this morning -a doe and 2 peewees 7:15 they strolled thru several shooting lanes 15-30 yds.
3hrs this afternoon -same 3 Appeared in food plot 5:15(glad to see the plot being used these 3 hit it daily)-another doe 5:25 -then last 3 min a buck was going thru brush behind me out of sight I looked through scope I could not see good enough snuck out before he came out.
Going out tomorrow morning hoping that doe brings a buck back with her....WCW