Full moon a rising............. On the sixth, that is........... I don't know if a full moon has any true affect on the rut but, the full moon of Nov. is called 'The Beaver Moon'........ OK!.... OK it's aka; 'The Frost Moon' too. From what I'm seeing during the day and the pictures I'm getting at night; we're in pre-rut at this time. The only thing more exciting for me this time of year (deer hunting) is drawing back my compound and holding the pin in the vital area. (I also pray for a clean shot but, that's just me)
Sittin' in my kitchen looking out the window trying to collect my thoughts as I type on the 'puter' and I see lights across the beaver pond. I sprang to my feet, dashed to the window, threw up the sash and what to my surprise did I hear but, a combine clearing a corn field. Boy ole boy guess who will be all tucked in his bed with visions of antlers dancing in his head. Not me cause, I'll be too excited thinking about getting in my stand hoping to get a shot at a disoriented deer. Heck yeah!...... even at my age it's still, that exciting.
Dardy's I hear you on those pointers...... I have a Weimaraner and a German Short-hair but; I don't breed, their just my buddies. Wouldn't do the weimy thing again........ NO WAY!