Not an archery hunter, so all this rut stuff is pretty foreign to me, but I find the discussion interesting.
Was checking out the progress on the house last evening and ended up sitting on the lanai having a coco. At about 6, two deer come out of the woods at the corner of our property and the neighbor's. They fed out into the neighbor's field. A short time later another deer appeared in the same spot. Lighting wasn't too good because it was getting late and it was overcast, so I could not tell antlers at the 250 yards, but the body shape was square like a buck.
That deer followed the others as they fed across the field, but never really closed the gap or showed any signs if being interested.
About 10 minutes later, three deer approached us from behind. They stopped about 40 yards away to give us a look before disappearing into some standing corn. It was a doe and two young of the year. It wasn't long until here comes a decent buck, too dark to see points, but as wide as his body and the rack didn't start to curve until well above the ears. He was prancing all stiff legged in the front and putting on a show for the ladies.
Some more movement caught our eyes and a ring neck rooster strutted out if the corn and into our soon to be yard. I guess he didn't like sharing the corn with the deer. He let out a cackle and all the deer bolted into our yard. Still couldn't get a point count and as it just got darker, the deer worked their way across the yard and into the woods. The buck was still showing off, but not being aggressive toward the does.
As it got pretty dark and we were getting ready to leave, we could hear voices. A light appeared in the neighbor's field and worked its way across and entered our property where the first deer had appeared. We could then see a second light coming down from the treehouse that was on the property when we bought it -- a former lot owner/contractor built it for date nights with his girlfriend. Clearly someone was using it as a deer stand.