2014/11/15 08:13:07
World Famous
The chasing part of the rut has been over for a week. Better bucks are locked down with a doe now and only move when she moves. The breeding is in full swing.....WF....There just isn'nt the amount of bucks out there to see the real crazyness we saw years back. Any place can have a small pocket of crazy, however.
2014/11/15 09:08:37
BTDT-Harvest Report card has been sent no worries.
Get out there and find one so you to can fill one out  too good luck!
I'll agree less bucks less CRAZINESS in the chasing department.
They say less does equals more chasing but you do not hear much from THEM on what happens when there are less bucks.
Still some deer in these parts but definitely less than 2005 when I moved here.
It is what it is.
2014/11/15 21:46:55
sniffle........ whine......... boohoo........... it ain't fair..........  yinz guys cheated..........  I'm tellin' mom..........
sighhhhhhhhh.............  I didn't get my deer.
But hey!  there's always next year!   
2014/11/15 22:50:43
No gun hunting for you BTDT?  
Having a kid that hunts on the Mentored Tag has totally changed me.  He went home with a friend from school yesterday and spent the night and all day with him.  Just didn't feel right to hunt deer without him, knowing that I might have the chance to shoot a good buck, so I skipped it.  
I get my own time in with duck hunting, and the occasional game lands pheasant hunt, with my lab.
Had some pretty fun hunts the past three weeks, once his football season ended and we had some time to hit the woods and field edges.  We saw 6 or 7 different bucks and some does and skippers.  Never saw a lot of deer on any one hunt - think 4 or 5 was the most - but we had some fun encounters and got to see some cool stuff.  
He's already talking about gun season and where we'll go for that . . . 
2014/11/15 22:58:20
If anybody is looking for a new ladder stand check out Dunams.(Big Game Stands)  $49.00 (w/coupon).  Includes padded seat and safety harness.  Google 'Big Game Treestands' for more info on the stand.  Google 'Dunams' for the coupon'.  Treestands only; no fishing gear, get that at 'FishUSA' where they treat you right.
2014/11/16 00:04:23
DRod if I hunted because I filled my tag every year I would of quit in the 60s.  (That's as in 1960s.)  It wasn't the kill that has kept me going for all these years; it was the hunt, the comradely, the conversation, new friends and the memories.  I remember as a kid in school; wanting to get back to my buddies and hear of their adventures, their success, and share in their excitement as, they did mine.  Of course getting your buck gave you bragging rights and the bigger the rack, the more prestige. (never had that opportunity in school)  I remember kids not being able to hunt, standing around taking it all in, joining the excitement and full of questions.  Hell, I remember kids going to school with their skinning knives on their belts and the sheath tucked into the back pocket of your jeans.  Had to be tucked into the back pocket or you were not cool.  70s were the same except, I couldn't wait to get back to work and hear the stories as, were the 80s right into the early 90s when hunting got side tracked because of a job change.    2013 got me back into the woods and this year I've practically lived in the woods never missing the opportunity to think about the days gone by.   The most enjoyable...........  hunting/fishing with my kids and wife.
Yeah, I'll be out there in rifle season and late season archery too, thinking about some goofy thing I did that cost me a deer or turkey in the past.  Have not killed many deer and never got a turkey but, buddy I got same darn good memories.
Just some food for thought regarding your boy spending time with his friends doing what he enjoys.  That's the way it works, don't pass up the opportunity to go out and bag that buck, it'll give your boy memories and............... bragging rights.  Believe me BTDT.
Good luck and hunt safely.
2014/11/16 07:25:26
Been an interesting season. I buy a doe license every year but have only taken one since the start of AR/HR. I simply use it to allow me more time in the woods to pretend hunt after taking a buck.
There were only 2 occasions all season when I am sure I could have taken a doe but there were 5 occasions I could have taken a legal buck. In fact I saw, at any distance while hunting, 7 adult doe and 18 antlered bucks. Not sure what that means for the future, either the does are nocturnal or the herd is still in decline.
Over a two day period I saw 8 different bucks chasing the same hot doe which may indicate a lack of does. Six of those bucks had never been seen in that area either in person or on camera.
2014/11/16 14:38:29
Saturday was about as good of a day as I've ever had without killing one.  I had a hot doe in the area and she really attracted a lot of attention.  I saw a number of young bucks and 2 really great bucks, but just couldn't get them to come in any closer than about 50 yards.  I'm going to keep my fingers crossed and hope they stay in the area for a few more weeks so I can get after them with a gun. 
2014/11/17 16:44:51
I come home last night and who's standing behind the house at dusk???
one of the twins.
Come on buck season..................


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2014/11/17 18:12:11
Not too loud Wags...............  They think hunting season is over........... They don't know it ain't over til The Big Wag Sings. (lol)
Or me ............   for that matter.

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