Are you sure you are hunting in PA and not New Orleans?
Wife had the dude at the archery shop replace the batteries in my GPS, which I thought was nice but, she had him install them backwards.
Anybody know what happened to Eman; thought he was to post some pictures, ohhhh hell, you don't suppose his deer was confiscated as evidence.... do you?
Anyway I replaced one of the 8 mb cards in my field cam with a 2 mb card, night before last, and being eager to see how things were working I checked it out last night. Happy, Happy, Happy, I did 'cause I got a video of a shooter circling my stand, nose to the ground, at 4:45 AM. His neck was swollen and his tarsals were still dark with little to no staining down the inside of his leg. I'm seeing a new guy in town, still on the hunt for some company, and it appears he hasn't been working or marking with any effort as yet. Guess who was tucked a way in his bed with visions of back strap dancing in his head. Guess who was still in bed at the break of dawn this morning from the effects of his journey through the bayou. C'mon have some pity, not my fault besides, somebody will feel sorry and give me some burger (or something) leftover from last year. Anywho (< that ought to screw with spell check), coupled with the video and the three deer in the adjoining field last night might mean I have a chance. To be successful however I must overcome one minor problem and that is...........getting the hell off this computer. Goodbye (lmao)