2014/11/12 20:33:06
DRod - The extended antlerless season in 2B was not completely eliminated, although it did change a little bit last year.  It was changed to remove the fringe counties of 2B from the season, but it still exists for Allegheny Co. 
From the PGC website:
DEER, ANTLERLESS EXTENDED REGULAR FIREARMS: (Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties): Dec. 26-Jan. 24. An antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.[quote/]
2014/11/12 20:49:53
Well here's my picture from Monday...
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Got in tree 5;30 Tuesday.3 does stroll past.
Nothing but tree rats running everywhere.....
My deer season is done until rifle season....Hope to get out Thanksgiving day to kill my turkey


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2014/11/12 21:17:12
Congratulations on your doe Chrome.............................
I had my memory refreshed today and I must say it was a rude awakening.  Dang, sitting in 30 degree weather with 8 mph winds blowing directly into your face is mighty cold the day after 60 degree weather.  Some of you young uns may want to make a note of that, for future reference.  Anyhow, anybody know how far east that earthquake in Kansas made it; my ladder stand seems a little crooked and there's a broken tree limb in the tree next to mine.  Anyway, went to a big box store today to get a new card for my trailcam and I gotta tell ya I met some good people.  One guy caught my attention when I saw him pulling 'posted signs' from a roll, like they were toilet paper and he had to really........... blow his nose.  During our conversation he said he has had enough and was about to post 19 acres because of idiots shooting directly at his house.  No blame there for sure but it's another 19 acres gone because of slobs.  Talked to two other dudes while looking for deals on archery stuff I don't need.  General consensus was the same as for, the rut appearing to have come and gone and/or, plenty of deer and at what time they were active.  Saw plenty of things I didn't need but, a new ladder stand has my eye, maybe for gun season.
Finally made it to my stand around 3:30 PM and left the stand at 5:20 PM and was darn glad to start the long 5 min. walk home.  Man that was cold compared to the last two days and I gotta remember insulated boots instead of the Nikes for tomorrow.  Oh,  just remembered why I started this post, I didn't see a thing today.
Enjoyed the comments by all and looking forward to seeing more.  Only three days to go,  good luck to all and once again Chrome congrats.
2014/11/12 21:38:58
DRod - The extended antlerless season in 2B was not completely eliminated, although it did change a little bit last year.  It was changed to remove the fringe counties of 2B from the season, but it still exists for Allegheny Co. 
From the PGC website:
DEER, ANTLERLESS EXTENDED REGULAR FIREARMS: (Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties): Dec. 26-Jan. 24. An antlerless deer with each required antlerless license.[quote/]

Thanks Esox, didn't realize Allegheny was still in as I hunt on the fringes, as do the other guys I told about it.  Guess I better work on my reading comprehension 
2014/11/12 21:57:53
Wags that is a great shot and from what I see of his neck it appears he is hot-to-trot   The neck sure looks to be swollen and the tarsal on the hind leg looks pretty dark but I'm surprised the stain doesn't run further down the leg.  That may be a good sign saying he is only starting to go for it.  Thanks for the post.
2014/11/13 05:46:24
Congrats to those who were successful and good luck to those who are still at it.
2014/11/13 07:54:15
Wish I could help with reports but, I haven't been out since the day I shot mine, 11/01.  I wanted to make it out to try and film and possibly take a doe but work has had me bottled up.  Guess I got lucky getting mine when I did.  I wouldn't have been hunting much these past two wks. anyway.
This was probably my worst year as far as deer sightings go, esp. in northern 2B (allegheny co.).  The doe herd took a beating, it seems, last year in rifle season.  
I wouldn't be using the doe tag around that area this year but I have some spots in southern allegheny co. that have lots of doe for the taking.
Good luck to those of you still at it.  Getting down to the wire.
2014/11/13 09:58:37
Eyes-I am in same boat filled the buck tag and just in time I am buried in work!
Its a nice morning here in 1b light snow falling not much wind I would love to be in the stand.
Perfect weather to get a buck up and roaming.
Good luck and enjoy everyone!
2014/11/13 10:16:45
Know that feeling on "the deer herd took a beating"; been countin' em down for 7 years now.  Moved to my present location 7 years ago this month. In the past I could cast a spot light over my fields morning/night and count an easy 8 to 10 sets of eyes looking back at me. Today, I use two field cams and get excited if I get pictures of a whitetail, sometime, during the week.
 I remember seeing few, (very few) archers in the area and any gun fire (a shot here; a shot there) would be heard in distance field or woods.  Each year, more and more deer stands appear (ladder, climbers and, wooden structures) along with archers and gun hunters. Was once uncommon to see two and three hunters, in multiple vehicles or riding bicycles/scooters, heading to the same area. Gun fire from those areas is much more concentrated today, many times in multiple shots and, shorter times between shooting.  
No doubt in my mind the idea of 'moving the predator to the prey' is working just as, the Game Commission had planed. Once the herd reduction/elimination is successful in a given area, the predators will be seeking and eliminate the prey in new areas.  That's how it works..................  and it's working.  
So beware ye who brags of seeing plenty of deer in your stomping grounds, for the predators listen.  
"If you build it; he WILL come" ~Field Of Dreams (1989)~
PS. No offense intended; referring to hunters as being a predator,  that's just the way it is!
Times a wasting............  Good luck to all and to all; have a ball.............  I shoulda been a poet!
2014/11/13 10:46:14
Maybe if I get the hell off this puter and into my stand/woods; I might be able to kill (yeah I said kill) a buck. 
Paint me........................... gone!

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