2014/11/12 09:35:42
Ya can blame your game commission for giving too many tags but who do you blame for using them all???
 Here in Ct ya can easily get over a dozen tags and almost unlimited replacements in some areas- how many Deer can ya eat ???
 I take one and occasionally two a year.( only if one has a rack) Its called RESPONSIBLE hunting while knowing there is going to be next year too -IMHO.
 Kinda think that we hunters  often hold a big share of the blame for herd reductions anywhere.
 Infar too many areas where hunting is permitted the herd gets nearly wiped out while the NO areas get overpopulated-clearly the present methodology of tags is incorrect in far too any States.
IMHO the true herd control methodology would be to identify the true needs and then to ensure that all properties are involved to realistically achieve goals and objectives as opposed to the present spot burning method- This means some kind of reaching out to ALL property owners through incentives of near mandates to allow hunting game owned by the states.
( WE are the states)
"Conservation" groups have  purchased many hunting or trapping rights just to deny hunters and trappers those areas- perhaps we should take a page from their books buy up  tags each year and have some tag burning parties.
I commonly purchase many here and never even try to use them.
 RANT OVER------
2014/11/12 10:10:49
If the kid has killed 7 doe in 7 hunts, what does that say about the local deer population?  Also, I'd be suprised if these were all "doe" and I'm willing to bet that a number of his kills were fawns, and not adult does. 
Back on topic, things slowed down quite a bit for me over the last few days.  I'm not really seeing much chasing anymore and the does I'm seeing seem to be unusually calm for this time of year.  Still seeing the young bucks roaming around quite a bit, but they don't seem to be as fired up as they were last week.  Also found out that the neighbor to one my primary hunting properties killed the biggest buck we had seen on that property all year, a buck in the 130's for sure.  Oh well, cold snap is coming, so we should have good weather for the last couple of days of the season.  Good luck all! 
2014/11/12 12:39:05
Opinions.. seen a big buck at 930 snuck in right behind me.at five yards. I couldn't stand up and when I could he was 30 yds out. He looked at me while I tried to stand but.didn't really care.. so I seen him and another deer and just got out of woods now. Do I hunt him in evening or give him a breakand back at him totomorrow?
2014/11/12 12:52:09
Okay, seven antlerless deer. Some of which are probably buttons. Whatever.

What it says about the population, which since I live there and see these deer on an almost daily basis, is that if he did indeed kill 7 of the deer I have been seeing, then it has been cut in half. If there are twice as many deer as I have been seeing since spring, then the population has been cut by 25% before the 2 week gun CWD season starts.

By one person.

Again, I have no issue with him legally doing it. That is a bunch of gun for a teenager at only $6 a tag.

But what are the long term affects?
2014/11/12 13:30:32
Obviously, you understand the circumstances better than anyone else here could and I didn't mean to imply that I am condoning the kid's actions if my post came off that way.  We have people in the SRA's I hunt, who regularly kill that many antlerless in a season.  Since most of the guys I know who do that shoot anything, most of what they kill are doe fawns and bb's and there doesn't seem to be too much of an impact from them doing so.  Without knowing the specific details of your situation it's hard to say what effects his actions will have.  If he shot 7 adult doe, there's no doubt you will see a substantial decline, but if he's like the guys I know and shot mainly fawns, I'd bet the decline won't be as noticable.        
2014/11/12 18:23:52
Didn't see a deer all.evening
2014/11/12 18:46:47
Been pretty slow for me as far as rut action. Have not seen a good chase yet. Quite a few little bucks cruising. I have passed up 5 legal bucks so far in the past 10 days. Saw a big 11 point that I have on trail camera but he would not come closer than 60 yards. 
After many years in a row of success in archery, it takes a year like this to remind myself how hard bowhunting actually is. 
2014/11/12 19:39:13
I took a doe today. Quartering towards shot at 20 yards put the crossbow bolt topped with grimm reaper right behind her shoulder. Heavy blood for 300 yards till I found her dead and still hot. Looks like I'm good on meat for a while butchering this one to save a few bux.

Where I'm at in Allegheny county the deer herd gets slaughtered but bounces back every year. I know guys who take multiple does from my area and the heard gets shot up pretty bad during shotgun and the late extended season. Guys from other counties come here and shoot up the does and still no shortage I have seen. It's been easier to fill the freezer during archery come gun season them deer are running targets.
2014/11/12 20:05:38
Where I'm at in Allegheny county the deer herd gets slaughtered but bounces back every year. I know guys who take multiple does from my area and the heard gets shot up pretty bad during shotgun and the late extended season. Guys from other counties come here and shoot up the does and still no shortage I have seen. It's been easier to fill the freezer during archery come gun season them deer are running targets.

Not sure a lot of 2B hunters are aware, but that extended doe season, where you could use shotguns in Allegheny and/or rifles in 2B outside Allegheny in January is no more.  Know for sure it was done away with last year, and maybe the previous year.  And it is not on tap for this year either.  Have informed a couple of buddies who hunt 2B of this in the past year of this, and they had no idea. 
Hunted a spot this evening in northern 2B with my son that we haven't hunted since the second week of October.  People have been seeing a massive 12 around there at all times of the day.  If it's the same buck I think it is, he was a very nice 9 two years ago and we had him broadside at 25 yards in gun season then but my son totally froze with buck fever.  Saw a small 6, and right before it got dark, there were deer moving/maybe chasing in some thick brush that we couldn't see from our pop up blind.  
2014/11/12 20:31:43
Slower than last sat-mon but still some hot does around. Almost hit a big one chasing a doe down a dirt road Monday. Grunted in a six point that was seeking yesterday. Had the biggest one I've seen all season in my backyard last night. Next 3 days should fire them up again.

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