2014/11/10 21:06:43
This SHIP is more contagious than EBOLA
I am out of pickles too!!!  I had left over Pizza tho. Got smart made extra Sunday.
I am a vollie in my spare time---LOL
Got a call 2am for gas leak in a structure.
Took off to the station hit a straight away and turned the girls loose-----I got twins--turbos that is..
up ahead something in my lane......3/4 Mile not moving....1/2 mile same
1/4 mile same...Ok "get the hell out of my way"
100 yards---50--25---WTF
up to 10 feet.......this dam 6pt looked like a decoy and would not move.....
Moved into oncoming lane and creeped past.
As i did there out my window stands 3 doe......................GO FIGURE>
Climb my tree 5:30 am
slept till 6:30...AMAZING
I got movement to my left. I see a tail down.
Moves up to my 2:00 postion.....TAA DAA----ME SEE RACK----WOO HOO
okay looks like maybe a 6.....dam
Picks his head up........NOPE MEGA SPREAD.....8 or 10 pt....NEVER seen this one before.
HOLY CRAP...those look to be 24" wide........WOO HOO  YAH BABY
He walks broadside down the path I want him on.......BAM BAM BAM goes my chest..
HE breaks north----WTF
I got him behind a tree at 35 yards only****showing.
couple soft bleats...he does nothing.
He walks out thru brush and gives me a clean 45 yard broadside shot.
Okay.. I 'll give him a grunt or two see if he will come explore...............NOT
slowly heads north.
TURNS around at 75 yards.......rocks his head side to side and says  "AMF"........
Waited 2 hours climbed down went to check my scrape, which I reopened last night.
He was there overnight and reopened his....
forgot my SD card so no pictures till tomorrow........
Sat last 2 hours saw 2 doe RUNNING past.... no followers....
back up there 5;30 tomorrow..last chance for me......
2014/11/10 21:28:05
Hunted with my buddy this afternoon used one of his stands. Saw a small 4 pt chasing 2 doe almost dark again. Going to try it again tomorrow , things have been kinda slow for me but hey not over yet and it has been fun.
2014/11/10 23:25:22
This SHIP is more contagious than EBOLA
I am out of pickles too!!!  I had left over Pizza tho. Got smart made extra Sunday.
I am a vollie in my spare time---LOL
Got a call 2am for gas leak in a structure.
Took off to the station hit a straight away and turned the girls loose-----I got twins--turbos that is..
up ahead something in my lane......3/4 Mile not moving....1/2 mile same
1/4 mile same...Ok "get the hell out of my way"
100 yards---50--25---WTF
up to 10 feet.......this dam 6pt looked like a decoy and would not move.....
Moved into oncoming lane and creeped past.
As i did there out my window stands 3 doe......................GO FIGURE>
Climb my tree 5:30 am
slept till 6:30...AMAZING
I got movement to my left. I see a tail down.
Moves up to my 2:00 postion.....TAA DAA----ME SEE RACK----WOO HOO
okay looks like maybe a 6.....dam
Picks his head up........NOPE MEGA SPREAD.....8 or 10 pt....NEVER seen this one before.
HOLY CRAP...those look to be 24" wide........WOO HOO  YAH BABY
He walks broadside down the path I want him on.......BAM BAM BAM goes my chest..
HE breaks north----WTF
I got him behind a tree at 35 yards only****showing.
couple soft bleats...he does nothing.
He walks out thru brush and gives me a clean 45 yard broadside shot.
Okay.. I 'll give him a grunt or two see if he will come explore...............NOT
slowly heads north.
TURNS around at 75 yards.......rocks his head side to side and says  "AMF"........
Waited 2 hours climbed down went to check my scrape, which I reopened last night.
He was there overnight and reopened his....
forgot my SD card so no pictures till tomorrow........
Sat last 2 hours saw 2 doe RUNNING past.... no followers....
back up there 5;30 tomorrow..last chance for me......

  Been in the throat of the dragon a few times myself as a FF also; fire service instructor state and, national level. 
Thanks for serving your community.  BTDT
2014/11/11 14:02:15
Wcw where's the pics
2014/11/11 17:19:47
In the other post "Thinking about antlers more than steel ..."
2014/11/11 20:25:52
WHAT a terrific day; 60+ degrees and warm winds outta the south.  Took the wife's suggestion(s) today and cleaned the outside of the windows and built the gate for the deck steps.  
So darn warm to wear regular hunting clothes today so I hit the stand around 3:45 PM wearing a camouflaged long sleeve pullover and pair of shorts ( hey,  their RealTree too).  Nothing to report while sitting in the stand but, the camera is still showing doe and two buck hanging around.  Nice shooter by the stand at 6:15 AM this morning; I'd probably tripped over him on my way to the stand, being it was still dark, had my wife not suggested I do something besides hunt today.  Don't think it was that seven point I fouled up on the other night so there is still hope of killing (sorry) 'harvesting' a buck during archery.  I'll be in the stand before sun rise in the morning hoping the deer will be moving to escape the incoming 'ARCTIC BLAST'.  
Speaking of the change in weather; I was watching the leading edge of clouds still a distance to the west and, was wondering if they may be part of the same system bringing the colder weather.  To my surprise those clouds where traveling 'full steam ahead' and arrived over my location much before I imagined.  It was almost like the clouds you see in a sci-fi flick where the clouds roll in just before you see the mother-ship.  Started to wish I would of wore a little more camouflage; in fear I might be abducted and held for a future anal probe!
Whew.........  I gotta back off the garlic baloney or maybe the mayo is out dated.........  I gotta go.
2014/11/11 22:03:46
BTDT-Or anyone else reading and interested- If you are hunting close to house start walking out about the same amount of time it takes to get to stand before legal shooting time.
I used to go out in dark but I just bumped deer often bucks.
This way you can see them and avoid spooking them.
Sooner or later they get comfortable enough to come thru later but not if you bump them in dark.
I stubbornly ignored this for years but changed last 3 years what a difference.
End of this week with nasty weather should stir up some action hang in there they have been resting up in this warmth...WCW
2014/11/12 07:00:23
Saw two does while training the Pointers yesterday. They got up out of a patch of goldenrod that is about the size of our kitchen.

Talked to the neighbor teenager yesterday. With extra doe tags and basically unlimited CWD tags, he has taken a doe everyday he has been off. That would be, I believe, five Saturdays plus Columbus Day and Veteran's Day. He said he still has tags left.

While one never knows how many deer are actually around, in this small area, we can pretty easily identify about 15 antlerless. That would mean he pretty much single handedly has killed about half the herd. And gun season has not even started yet. Keep in mind that this is a CWD area, so it will be open season for two weeks.

I can't begrudge the young man. I like doe hunting as much as the next guy. He has the tags and he is getting good at the game. I guess my question is, "when is enough, enough."

I would never say anything to him - he is not my kid and he is within the law. And his father, whom is the "my boy big hunter, kill'm many deer, just like I teached him well" type surely will not put the brakes on him.

2014/11/12 08:56:37
This kid is not to be called a hunter by any means as he would be considered, in my book, the poster child for PITA and /or SPCA.
The question "when is enough, enough" should not be posed to the boy as he surely understands not what he does but, to the PA. Game Commission.  This boy and the hundreds of 'killers' like him merely serve as the 'Hit Man' for the PA. Game Commission and their dream of 'genocide' to the PA. Whitetail.
Just some food for thought to those believing the fodder fed to you, by the PA. Game Commission, about AR.  Without doe there will be no reproduction and without reproduction there can be no bucks.  On the average a doe will produce a set of twins one of which is usually a buck.  For every doe killed this year there will be one less doe and buck for next year and, the next year and, soon there will be no more.
I see the results of the 'genocide' right in my back yard; at first there was many and now there remains a few.
Feel your pain Dardys; let's hope the changes made in the hierarchy of the PA. Game Commission won't be without quick changes with the ARs. 
2014/11/12 09:34:54
Don't blame the kid. The Game Commission was created in 1896 to prevent the type of overkill you speak of. The Game Commission of 2000 promotes it.  They establish the seasons, type of weapons to be used, and bag limits. They are the "ONLY" ones to blame if the deer herd is being over hunted. Hell, they even hired a guy and spent thousands of dollars sending him around the state telling anyone who would listen that killing large numbers of does was the right thing to do.

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