2014/11/06 13:33:42
World Famous
Bucks just started runnin bone , down my way, today. Saw 2 different bucks in the city limits, runnin doe......WF...get in the stands and stay there. Next 3 days will be crazy....Too bad I quit bowhunting
2014/11/06 18:16:16
Slow for me today.bucks are ready does still iffy. Two buck six doe today bucks were at 1230 and 3
2014/11/06 20:29:27
Deer were everywhere on my drive home from work. Saw a 140 class 8 pt last night on my way home so I had my video camera today. Well, just doe in that field but less than a mile from home, got to witness two at least 3.5 yr olds go at it very hard. Luckily, got it on tape too. Both were, or would have been shooters. One was a half rack with a spike and brow on his left side and at least four, maybe five up on his right side. The left was busted, and I could see why. The other was a massy, 19 or 20 in. Wide 8 or 10 point with good tine length. He was good enough to go on my wall. The half rack won the battle. It looked like a tv fight from Iowa on the hunting shows... I was 200 yes away and could here the antlers crashing inside my car. I'll try and mess with the video to get it online.
Good luck guys. Getting down to the wire.

Oh, another positive, there's a good chance I can get permission to hunt this property next year.
2014/11/06 21:26:26
No work again until Wednesday for me! 
Looks like the wind machine will be turning on tonight so my mini vacation may not get off to the best start.  But it is November, which means just about anything can happen regardless of how crappy the weather will be. 
2014/11/06 22:28:00
Back to pretty slow up.north.. kinda wish I was home!
2014/11/06 22:55:31
  Hi kids.......  did ya miss me? 
Sorry.....  I been pouting and sulking allllll day cause, I'm mad!  Wanna know why I'm mad?.............  well I'm gonna tel ya anyway... so sit down and be quiet!
Dateline:  Yesterday morning, AM.
Went tippy toeing through the trees, just south of my stomping grounds, walking just over a mile and a half in three and a half hours.  Hey Jack, I'm 'still' hunting and that takes time!!!  Anyway I'm working my way thru  the river bottom, keeping real close to the red brush, green-brier and , crab-apples while watching into the open timber.  Place is polluted with tracks of all sizes and I'm thinking this has got to be the place to be.  Well, it was, apparently when I wasn't there cause that's all I saw........ tracks.  Moved further southeast and became fascinated with the size, type and, openness of the trees.  White-oaks everywhere, man, I am in deer and turkey candy-land and I knew I was cause I took two more steps and 'down the road they go', six whitetails.  Hoping they might circle back around I took a stand and waited, and waited, and got bored and left.  By this time the wind had picked up quite a bit and those leaves on the ground became crunchy in a hurry so I decided to reverse my hat back to orange and 'down the road I go'.  Back tracked til I got to the thickets and briers where I stayed out in the open and watched along the heavy brush line when suddenly, as I moved along, my right foot sank into the leaves and I knew, I stepped into a really marshy area cause I could feel the water running into my ankle highs.  Bad enough getting a soaked foot but, now every right step sounds like I'm plunging a plugged sink.  I returned home for some dry socks, boots and, my baloney and cheese sandwiches.
Okay it's now 4:00 PM and I change tactics; instead of going to my ladder stand I head to the opposite side of the field where, I positioned my self beside a cluster of cherry trees.  From here I can see deer coming out of the woods to the south and I can see anything coming from the pasture to the north.  Wasn't long, I could see a deer heading straight out of the woods and it was north bound right at me.  A single deer, head is up, wind to it's back and, high stepping...... nuts it's likely a doe that's been harassed and looking for a place to hide.   Still 100 yds.  out and still coming I'm thinking I see antler but, I'm still looking thru branches so, not sure.  Beginning to think I should take this deer if it is a doe as I've passed on four already when, a turn of it's head shows me what I thought was the antlers of the wye-buck I saw Monday at this time.  Approaching at a steady pace but still about forty yards before he breaks into a shooting lane and I thought this will be cool as, I'll be looking him right in the eye when he goes by.  Go by he did, just as proud as he could be, 20 yds. out but, no wye-buck, this guy has brow tines making him a ssssssssssseven point,() dang three-up on his left antler and I just saw the third point when he went by.  No trophy antler wise but, he was a shooter and still a trophy otherwise.   I'm bettin' we'll meet again. 
Dateline: Today, all day
Rain, rain and, more rain but don't get me wrong I'm no "fair weather' hunter by any means.  I did hunt from my other stand today and really didn't care that I saw nothing cause, I didn't have to go but 15 ft. for a cup of coffee or a baloney and cheese sandwich.
Full moon tonight; rain and more rain, maybe a bit of snow too, deer will will be out early to freshen their scrapes.  Ask me why I love huntin'.
2014/11/07 06:34:55

Light rain and snow mix as I speak.... wind is out of the north at 14 mph gusting to 24 making the O.A.T. of 38 degrees feel like 25.

Sun creeping up (sun?) beginning to show the tree tops Would somebody tell me, again, what it is about hunting that makes a man want to go out, in weather like this while it's still dark and, attach himself to a tree to watch the sunrise?

Good luck guys..... post those pictures. BTDT.
2014/11/07 07:39:02
Three legal buck and three doe all chasing.. snowing and windy. ,2f. Gonna be great day
2014/11/07 20:39:33
Welllllll............  Ummmmmm............... ahhhhhhhhh...........  Hellooooooooo..............
Where the he!! did everybody go?  To cold, wet and windy today or what?
Nothing happening at my house; try again in the morning, maybe more hunters looking for deer, turkey, bunny wabbits, and/or ditch chickens might get the deer moving.  Milder weather for tomorrow in my sector so I'll be strapped to a tree in the AM.
Good luck..........  talk later. 
2014/11/07 21:22:18
Three deer in evening. Big bucks still nocturnal.

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