2014/10/21 21:41:08
Im starting to think he just goes to look at the squirrels
2014/10/21 22:49:24
Im starting to think he just goes to look at the squirrels

I'll have you know I REpreSENT that remark!!!!

Gotta get to bed so I can get in the woods early tomorrow. Better half bought me a new camouflage outfit. She says it's so realistic the deer will think I am one of them.

Wish me luck.
2014/10/22 15:32:09
Heading out soon
2014/10/22 16:41:48
Been there; doing that.............
2014/10/22 19:44:29
Seven doe nothing chasing
2014/10/22 20:06:35
nothing in my neck of the woods.
2014/10/22 20:30:17
Was weird. Three doe together. Then a doe and two button buck together.. not much running at all
2014/10/22 20:41:20
Eman did ya notice the tarsal glands?
Did any of them appear much darker then the other deer?
2014/10/22 21:12:41
I never looked honestl.. might try a buck decoy next week
2014/10/22 21:25:57
Those glands getting darker and darker, on both doe and buck, is a sure sign of the rut.

When you do put the decoy out; try to set your field cam up and leave the decoy out at night. Put the cam on video and you'll get some good laughs.

I've done this with my 3D targets.

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