2014/10/20 14:41:08

I'll get back to you on that.
2014/10/20 14:43:21
she said NO!!

and my FishHawk ain't where I parked it
2014/10/20 19:28:12
Two bucks right at dark. Started fighting and making rubs
2014/10/20 19:43:43
3 does out 20 minutes before dark........NO BOYZ in the area or interested.
2014/10/20 19:57:47
Hunted a field edge with my son on the Mentored tag.
Nice wide 6 pt stepped out of the woods at 47 yards, made a scrape and licked the branches.  Pretty cool experience for both of us, as I have never actually watched a buck do that before.  Two does came out on the other side of us, and he trotted off after 'em without a shot.  
2014/10/20 20:00:16
I saw........

Four Fox Squirrels.....
Three Woodchucks.....
Two Woodpeckers......
And a Bluebird in a Maple Treeee.

Say........ I think I may have a song..
2014/10/20 22:28:35
On the 5th day in the tree stand, BTDT's wife delivered to me. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive gol-den retreiverrrrrs................
2014/10/20 22:32:49
And a pepperoni pizza to meeeeeeee
2014/10/21 09:38:27
Eman you and BH should sing a duo and those lyrics would sound great if, you two would sing tenor.

TEN OR twenty miles down the road.

My better half did pack me a lunch for today. I don't mind baloney and cheese sandwiches with pickles on the side. I just wish she would use fresh bread and a separate container for the pickles. I ain't complaining, mind you. At least not to her!!
2014/10/21 21:39:20
duud, you cant take pickles hunting. How does something soaking in vinegar for six years smell natural to the deer? Take nuts, apples, corn chips............you get the idea. Does your wife say " Good Luck Dear " or " Good Luck Deer " when leaving for the woods?

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