On another note; is it legal for the holder of lifetime license to kill (sorry) harvest 'antlerless deer' during the special firearms season provided that, said hunter has the appropriate 'Antlerless Tag'? Also, can said hunter use any legal weapon?
BTDT ...bloody hands sort of has the WRONG answer to your questions.....
depends on the type of lifetime license they have...
if they have the senior lifetime COMBO (combo being the key word) then yes to both questions...
If they just have a senior lifetime license then "NO" to the last question, they would need either an archery tag and/or muzzleloader tag to use those type of weapons...
but they can only have one type weapon with them at a time....
i.e.= no archery weapon and a "gun" at the same time ...
the lifetime COMBO
includes your archery, muzzleloader and furtaker tags....