I certainly hope their "guides" are licensed & insured!
"Hate mail"! haha. I sent that e-mail to them. Here is the body of the "hate mail":
Good job leasing that property on Lower Elk Creek. You’ve forever lost my
business and that of my many friends. Including the group of 40 out of state
anglers who were all going to be stopping in your shop next month. Hope it was
worth it! Greedy people like you are ruining Erie’s fishery forever.
Trout Run Bait & Tackle then flipped out a little bit sending me two e-mails, one of which is posted above and the second included comments like "real easy to talk big when hiding behind a computer" and some thing about "that's what I used to tell my middle school children" and that "you might like to take this chance to apologize". sheesh.
I don't think they understand what a lease is either. They are essentially sub-leasing the property, in other words they are leasing through a broker.