So far, we're:
Re-opening the Pigpen (That would be epic!)
Giving Teresa's a pass (I'll bite.)
Shunning Trout Run B&T (Hell no, we won't go!)
Praying said landowner changes his mind (Do you believe in miracles?)
Going undercover (Don't Boggard that joint, my friend, pass it to me)
Gluing colored macaroni to cans ( Is that a size 10 or 12 can?)
Constructing barriers (And you thought Trout Run was crowded before?)
Moving Montana's fish laws here (Isn't Brokeback Mt. near there?)
Charging landowners "fish hoarding taxes" (How much per fish?)
I don't know what the answer is, hell, I already forgot the question.
What would Terry "The Crip" say to all this going down?
"Keep on keepin' on"
Great stuff Youghman!! Don'cha love human nature??
Sometimes it's just sensible to pause, laugh, and simply seek the serenity to accept the things you cannot change when you're faced with a can of worms like this. In the end, all things will find a way to work themselves out. Besides, in the end, we ARE all dead.