I can honestly say that some opinions have been made and each have their own points and perspectives.
Do I want to see any stretch of stream shut down? NO
Do I appreciate anyone that allows anyone on their land that they own? YES
Do I see a person here that is obviously PO'd about something? YES
Will this person maybe at some point in time change his mind? 50/50 chance
Who's opportunity is it to maybe talk to this landowner and try and collect their thoughts and aggravations? Everybody's
Who's chance is it to maybe make a change in the future and opportunities that may exist? Everyones
What I am trying to say is this:
If I owned land on any creek that has great fishing and numerous people visiting it, I would look for a way to exploit it.
Anyone would! Money is always great to have.
Would I look for ways other than posting it? YES Of Course.
I would like anyone to be able to access it so it would stay Busy.
Would I get PO'd about trash being left? YES.
Would I do the same thing this guy has done in posting it because he has been wronged by not only fishermen but the state agencies? That would probably be the first thing I do without thinking of other alternatives.
Would I eventually think about other alternatives to allow it to be open to public? Eventually I would but not till I see the recourses of what was done.
There are several ways to talk to this landowner and see what had happened for him to post this property and then maybe see where he stands and find out if there is a way to achieve a common ground instead of just closing the property.
Attacking him is not the answer. And letting the public water access dwindle down is not the answer either.
I look at a prime example of a good fix to these problems up at NY Tribs and the Archery Club Grounds.
The landowners have the archery club lease the grounds off of them and the Club charges a rate to park there. Is it a fair rate? YES $5
Is it a needed rate to keep the grounds paid up to date and a little more to keep the grounds clean and added amenities? Yes (They have put bathrooms and a Concession stand in)
Could this very same act be done at all of the Erie Tribs? I would think so!
I'm just trying to say to keep your eyes and ears open and your mind even more open to try and solve problems like this from occurring and repeating rather than spitting fire out here on the Internet and stirring the pot.
Le's try and figure out a solution to public access rather than trying to Void a shop or agency.
Do I agree with all of this? Heck No, but I am seeing both sides of the coin and weaving my opinions through to an alternative and solution.
It is a shame and needs a compromise and way of opening it back up.