2013/05/28 19:30:34
Clint S
  I heard the same folks that bought the school got  the big Victorian house on the River, and are in the process of trying to buy up the rest of the property.   It seems they are in the process of buying the  lodge.   If they get the other  house  (and I heard the owner does not want to sell) , they'll own from the wires to the bridge in Altmar. They tried too buy the parking lot in front of Melindas, but was out bid.  Heard it from one person and Shane  posted the same on MFF so it has a good possibility of being true.
2013/05/28 21:24:30
Sounds as if the Salmon River is going to become a rose between two thorns.  I wonder if the new lodge is going to have gillies to cater to the Chic Chic crowd.
2013/05/28 22:27:35
retired guy
Gonna be worth missing a few days of fishing during low water. 
   Wanna just sit there in  a lawn chair with a glass of Blackberry on ice just watching the show when guys start walking back and forth from both sides.
    Might get right up there with Tressel shows.
2013/05/29 07:30:04
well there goes my rock...but there is lots of river to fish....i will miss being able to just grab the rod and walk over to the river
2013/05/29 07:34:02
Now watch for Herr Mario to come up with another revenue enhancement scheme and sell of the PFR's that DEC has already obtained.  It has been happening on Erie, the rich buy up the access to the fish WE ALL pay to put there.  With the emphasis that is being put on Atlantics the last couple of years, we should have seen the land grab coming.
Maybe it is time for pushing for a "no public access, no fishing" rule on stocked streams, as many are clammoring for on Erie.   OF course, Albany is "money talks, nobody walks", and how many average income legislators do you know?
2013/05/29 07:45:16
carpet bagers of a new era
2013/05/29 10:04:50
Guys, as much as it sucks, there really has never been public fishing rights on any of that bank... we've been priviliged to have the access... unfortunately someone is finally gonna take advantage of it. The victorian was a sitting duck for quite some time... those folks really wanted to sell for quite some time so you cant blame them... a land owners rights are a land owners rights as much as it sucks sometimes... should oneida stop stocking walleye because a lot of its banks are private property with no trespassing aloud????
2013/05/29 10:07:33
With GE getting in the "fracking game" how long before Cuomo caves.  We may not see a total pay to play on the Salmon River in our lifetime but I do believe it will eventually come to be.  Now that their is a competitor in town the race is on to purchase more parcels as they come available.
2013/05/29 11:57:32
hot tuna
yes in all it is not good news for us regular Joe Dirt‘s..
db you are correct, it was never pfr but it was a place that allowed fishing access. Now I do not believe that access will be allowed without a price.. so did we possibly lose something we never had ? I do believe so..
Sadly there are enough folks willing to support privatized places to enjoy the outdoors..
If such support was to cease then Id have to expect those such places would too..
I will say, I was a part of the problem.. I supported the dsr when it was first enacted.. At that point it seemed ok to have somewhere that was reasonably priced ($10.00-salmon,$5.00-chrome) then things as they always do increase their cost.. It seemed that still it was a "deal" at $250.00 for a season. Finally the cost became so exorbitant that it seemed I was only lining the pockets of the already wealthy and exempting those of us regular Joe Dirt’s, so I chose no longer to support them..
Honestly I think the politicians , representatives , would prefer privatized fishing.. They no longer have to deal with trash, enforcement and complaints from others.. The theory is , "let the owners deal with it" while they(state) still collect revenue from license sales.
Lucky is correct, express your thoughts through propaganda.. Attend public meetings, don't support privatized access and if need be boycott the entire fishery for 1 year..
I know that sounds like a stretch but just think what would happen if there wasn’t a sole standing in the river for 1 season..
Obviously that would never happen but if folks really want change then they need to make change happen..
sorry for my 2 cents:
Joe Dirt..
2013/05/29 12:22:21
No public access no fishing on stocked streams sounds good to me,but that'll never happen either.
I hardly ever fish below the bridge,but from what I remember the public access side is better than the other.I think I'll have to join RG and watch the circus when the well heeled yuppies cross lines with the "Joe dirts" LOL

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