I recently became a member of that board.
From discussions on the board and PMs on it and other boards with members current and past I gather that the site suffered some rather harsh moderation and it was not even handed.
Some were allowed to post anything they felt like while others were censored and banned for the same or lesser offending posts.
The site was then hacked ( by a disgruntled ex member?
who knows) and some of its parts were lost.
Active membership plummeted due to the moderation and hacking.
The mod staff, with no one left to bully, left the board untended.
I would guess this is a cost cutting move and the board will die when its prepaid bandwidth expires or the owner is hoping to regain full control and it will start up as before come fall.
If it does I wonder if it will be hacked again?
I also wonder if the original tech support that is for some reason is no longer with the site (falling out with the owner?, lack of payment?) might have "prevented" the hacking?
I do know I got a very threatening response from one of the mods for simply asking questions about what happened with the membership and saying the heavyhanded moderation didn't seem to work out so well for the site.
Interesting why he would get so defensive when someone questions a style of moderation that took an active membership from thousands down to dozens.
Does anyone know the mod called metalhead?
I asked if he was short and might have a Nepoleon complex but he didn't answer me.
Certainly he has some kind of authority complex.