2013/05/17 23:45:56

The tournament is for the entire lake, so they don't necessarily have to use the causeway ramp.  That being said, it was full today, and Linesville was just stupid!  I swear I wish the DMV had driving tests for anyone driving a vehicle that was going to tow a boat!!  If you can't back a boat into the water, you shouldn't be fishing!!!!
It was crazy this evening ,was down by Duck & Drake  and they were waiting in line to get in ,then when I was leaving had to wait to load up....of course had to wait for the blue coats...they where standing on the dock BS when we got there.....lol  OH well, it was windy & fishing slow  for us anyhow...few short eyes...

2013/05/18 10:58:50
Same here mopars0, fished wed morn till noon, all day thurs, and fri morn till noon. Maybe 30 fish total of eyes, perch, crappies, cats. With a few whites and smallmouth thrown in. All north, from the causeway to the islands. Couldn't get a pattern going. Just random from all depths haha. Seemed like espyville was consistently less busy than Linesville. I launched from there all 3 days and others were launching sayin they were in line up north for a while an left.
2013/05/18 13:39:19
Tunapursuit..Where did you get that about ohio launching from ohio and pa from pa???  Definitely wrong!
2013/05/18 19:35:24
Does anyone else think there should be a limit on crappie? I think its a shame that they go off of the Ohio regs. a lot of people may disagree however. Ed
2013/05/20 21:31:31
Opsman, Just the way I interpled the law that if I launch my boat from the PA side then I must have a Pa license and if I launch from the Ohio side I must have an Ohio license. Once on the lake it does not matter where you fish, if I am wrong then I learned something new today. I have a PA license. Tightlines
2013/05/20 22:37:43
You can launch where ever you want with either license. You can also ice fish anywhere on the lake with either license and you can access the ice from either side with either license.
2013/05/20 22:54:19
You just can't shore fish from Ohio with a PA license and vice versa.
2013/05/21 08:14:03
That goes for the islands, too.  If you pull up to an island to stretch your legs and cast a line, you need a license for the state that the island lies in!
2013/05/22 11:13:11
very true opsman
2013/05/22 18:23:01
Learn something new everyday. Thank you. Tightlines..

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