2013/07/12 17:10:49
Anybody ready to give a new mod a try with this spamming attack that the admin staff seems to care little about?
Someone to do nothing more than delete spam on this forum.
Someone who promises not to interfere with the working of the innerplay between members.
We decide ,after some fools volunteer, on someone and mass request him from the admin.
What thinks the peoples?
2013/07/12 17:33:51
hot tuna
I vote twobob..
Rig, tb or really anyone but me :)
X 2:
I hear there are perks to the task
2013/07/12 17:42:50
Yer on the list, whoever the frick (or is that whomever the frick) you are.
I admit I had thought of a couple people that could handle the gig if they were silly enough to volunteer.
This could be handled by PMs if people thought it was the way to go.
I do feel a summery posted on the board for all to see,no names as to who, or is that whom, said what would be nice so everyone is up to date even if they are not participating.
Spam tics me off
2013/07/12 17:49:02
Sorry, there aren't enough perks, cash or free equipment, to make me volunteer.  I'd rather have root canal without the benefit of novocaine. 
2013/07/12 17:50:46
HT You know you were on my short list but you seem to have outfoxed me.
Where'd your silly inner fool go?
Also Lucky
I'm sure there are more that I forgot to mention.
I'm not sure I would chances float any better than the Titanic and my candidacy would go up in flames like the Hindenberg were I to be nominated.
2013/07/12 17:53:41
Remember this is not to be the position of police bully of the board, just take the perks and squash spam.
2013/07/12 17:56:02
Billy h I see a half thou posts so you'r not a spammer I guess but my question is have you ever contributed to this board?
2013/07/12 18:01:47
CF I believe you are in the lead!
Thanks for volunteering.
2013/07/12 18:52:31
Its nice watching the show from the cheap seats and still have the luxury of chucking a s--t ball to see if anything sticks.  Become the mod and lose your sense of humor if not your mind.  Maybe even lose a friend or two.
2013/07/12 19:07:11
retired guy
Doesnt have to be somebody from this particular Board- It is happening on all of Fish USA forums-likely many others as well -SC and the Hunting boards used to get it along with us-- just needs somebody with the putor savvy and hardware to be able to go on all of them and kill the carp.
 My issue with it isnt that it pops up -cause I dont click on it- but that it may contain virus or other ill intent.

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