Have watched male Kings 'nip and spit' very quickly a number of times while spawning. Generally when trying to swing around them and get to Hos or Steel below the beds and commonly on blue sacs.
Sometimes the initial drift is too short and gets in front of some males directly below the spawners and they do the quick sac squishing with the very front of their toothy mouth if it passes close to them , kinda neat to watch. Dont think I could ever be quick enough to hook one like that as they are VERY quick and have never hooked one doing that on the looser line passing by.
Kinda think this may be why sacs so often come up squished after a quick mid drift ' bottom bump" in deeper darker waters..
The times I have been able to watch this show have been late in the season when the other species are there and the Kings have dwindled to the point where not so many other fisherfolks are around ( calmer fishes).
That strip and dip method may work on those fish but as said will be confused with snagging despit the intent.
On the flip side there is so much blatant snagging going on I cant see why not try it in a secluded area. Personally have never seen them hit while trailing my offering at the end of a drift- only at the swing or a bit before as the offering lifts..
Good advice on the downriver option - they get spooky and shut down all too often as they move on up.