2013/07/09 20:54:56

Hearing and seeing reports of monstrous Kings being taken out on Lake O.  A 38 lbs+ fish was taken off Oswego this week and a 36.5 lbs fish leads the LOC Tourny.  If this is any indication of what is in store this fall I'll be needing heavier tippet to battle these brutes. 

I'm ready and waiting for those battles..BRING IT ON!
2013/07/09 21:03:30
 Oops, tried to post the LOC webpage but it didn't work. 
2013/07/12 08:17:40
Bump to spam!
2013/07/14 08:41:50

Hey guys, I stopped in to see how people are doing, looks like everyone  is  getting through this bizarre summer as best they can. I had a good start to the spring, getting this 31 lb. carp on my 6 wt.  and a black leech- got a 21" smallie on the same fly 100 yds. away from the backwater the carp was from,  in the main Hudson, the same morning.  The bow was 21"  on a sz. 22 midge on my 1 wt. I've also done  very well with stripers on the coast and backpacking for brookies in Vt.   I thought I was starting to make up for the dismal, no,  abyssmal!, winter steelhead season I had, but the weather has turned that around a bit.  Bass bugging has been good.
Next weekend I'll head back to the coast for some night surf . I won't get much salmon in this year, but might go early, as we're spending a good part of Sept. backpacking  up the Kern River in the Sierra into one of the premier spots for big wild bows outside of Alaska.  
      Being just an average shmuck with little local info, the SR is getting tough to fish for me. Between the crowds, starting to head in at 4 am ,  and the trying to guess  water/weather in advance to plan trips,
it's starting to get to be a chore.  Fortunately,  I had a few great days last year to act as a stimulator. Probably the largest salmon I'll ever land, a day of near  constant hook-ups with Jack, a great day with 3 fan  getting smackdowns on his plugs; put a shiny gloss on the bad food, loud crowds, azzhats, and bad release timing that dimmed the season otherwise.  I'll lament the loss of the S. Barrel, as I liked it for the challenge of  one hand spey casting in the trees, knowing the snags and best drifts and pulling fish pretty regular out of it, despite it not being the "best" of places.   My experience is nothing compared to those of you who've invested lots of time and money  and made the choices that keep you on the river for decades.
So, I ain't whining- it is what it tis, my choices may be different.  I'll stop back when the season is going again. Hope everyone has good times and stays healthy. Have a great time in all your adventures with friends and family.
2013/07/14 09:55:48
Clint S
Good to hear from you Charlie.    2 of my best days on the river were fishing with you and I am not talking about the #'s of fish.   Let me know when you are around and  hopefully we can get together.   I wish you and your wife  the best in all your adventures.
2013/07/14 10:51:27
Charlie,  Good to hear all is well.  You do realize that the SR is like a giant magnet.  As much as we hate all that goes on during "silly season" we are drawn to that river like a moth to a flame.  Enjoy the remainder of the Summer. 
2013/07/14 15:44:00
That first bronze trout is a fatty.
You'll give yourself tentonitis landing them on a #6.
Mine flairs up every year for the past 20 or so from capr fishing.
Put yer fist in the mouth of some of the slobs that swim in the lake ya can.
True story!
2013/07/14 20:26:18
hot tuna
pretty ironic that a carp would bring 2 ships passing in the night..
great pic's Charlie as I did indulge into your public photobucket pictures.. Great to see Nancy and you enjoying the time spent outdoors ..
Carp was on my mind for my limited time and space on friday.. You know the place out back the house.. Just haven't had the time until now to upload the pic's and by no means is it to be an up-1 as
Tb will attest..
A phatty by home standards of the local crik, a solid 15 pounder came to shore.. Water way still to muddy to sight fish with a fly so for me , the tug was the drug, that day anyway..
4'6" ultra light rod. 4lb string and fly wrapped with bread..
5 screaming runs, 3 x s thought lost to roots , 15 mins later and he was bound by the BIG salmon net..

2013/07/14 20:58:33
retired guy
GRREAT to hear from ya Charlie- sounds like your fishin some places the rest of us only dream about-enjoy.
Sometimes it aint the fish but the folks---but the fish gotta be there lol)
2013/07/15 11:53:50
This might be a season of very good water flows and resulting good fishing.If the urge gets you Charlie you know where I'll be end of Sept first of Oct.

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