2013/08/25 11:49:47
Maybe that NE wind flopped em back out... extended forecast looks promising though...
Tunes, I'm working the fields all day buddy. Maybe I can catch ya tomorrow
2013/08/25 12:02:12
I don't know why, the conditions are not favorable, but DSR is reporting another decent pod of fish moving up through the low end. A buddy of mine fished it yesterday and did real we'll in the morning till it turned off by lunchtime. He then went mid river and found a pile of them in some deep pockets after a lengthy hike. So far a strange season at play here. Also about 8 guys were nailed in sportsmanship hole yesterday using Michigan crickets yanking salmon. Word has it the ECOs are just hanging around the training center waiting for calls. So if you see these snaggers make the call.
2013/08/25 12:09:05
Well, those fish were staged for a few days in the estuary. I did feel the water temp drop last evening up in a-town while small mouthing... then high forties this morning... thank god its Sunday and folks are going home. Good for those snaggers getting nailed!!!
2013/08/25 14:31:49
hot tuna
It is completely dead out here in 125 fow. Not even a wind flag. All the boats though are way out beyond us .. Ugh.
2013/08/25 15:59:52
Tuna tell the bro in law to get out where the action is at, boat wont get dirty
2013/08/25 16:13:20

Tuna tell the bro in law to get out where the action is at, boat wont get dirty

Yeah...what he said

2013/08/25 16:16:28
Dime you here of any action in the estuary? Thinking of coming up and pulling glo spoons this week.
2013/08/25 17:33:42
hot tuna
We are still a blank without a rod shake. I see some dudes passing through us (100fow) and hook up but keep going deep . We tried 150fow, boat packs were beyond us still.
Oh well pretty un eventful day so far but sure beats work.
Big water tomorrow so maybe some river scouting and hope she lyes down in the evening with a fresh batch of fish.
It ain't over yet :)
2013/08/25 18:48:01
Fan, for 3 weeks there's been fish coming through everyday. Some friends did well in the estuary a week ago and one witnessed a school of kings following a school of bait fish. Dont see why it wouldnt be worth your while. Things could happen fast with this weather coming in...

Tuna maybe an afternoon meet up if your on the river. Let me know
2013/08/25 22:02:09
retired guy
Andy- even though there will likely be a push on the upcoming weekend high water I am coming up tomorrow night for a few days- wanna get there before the crazy season begins. House and yard chores too.
 One or two will make my trip if none thats OK too-just wanna be there while I can still find some privacy lol.
 Have been wondering what rod to use in the low warm conditions.
 The 11' 8 wt switch has become my favorite weapon but am seriously considering the shorter heavier 9 wt  and some heavier leader 14 down to 12 to bring fish in faster for the release in these conditions.

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