2013/08/10 12:33:52
Many years ago I was fishing Sandy for Steel early November and I caught a couple Atlantics that were about 16-18 inches,they were very good fighters,I was n't sure what they were at first but later realized they were Atlantics.Only Atlantics I caught in the SR were in the UFZ,they were about 6-10 inches.
2013/08/18 14:33:18
retired guy
Was just reading a brief history of the Atlantic restoration project- its ongoing.
 Always knew the Sr fishery  added  to the local economy but was surprised to read  that the Sr brings in 30 MILLION.
 Not sure if that includes the license fee but even with that its a high number. Am also kinda sure it likely doesnt include those of us who buy property and use the area year round either. They were just talking fishing.
 So much for some saying it really makes NO big difference locally.
2013/08/19 07:52:53
From speaking with Mr Johnson, the bloater and lake herring projects are meant as a means of (eventually) cushioning for a possible collapse in the alewife population, as well as possibly building a prey population that does not have the thiaminase problem.  Smelt biomass is just as surpressed as alewife, as they are the next population in line for the predators when Alewives are not available.  If they can get these native prey species (smelt are also invasives) reestablished, the lake would be more resilient.  And while this is not a free program, I don't think either the Atlantic program or the preyfish reintroduction is 100's of millions.  I've seen the Tunneson lab, and while it is a nice facility it is not huge and I don't think Jim has more than 6 or 8 people working with him out there, and this is also the facility that is doing sturgeon restoration and a lot of research on the Finger Lakes system as well as LO.  As to "here forever" the kings were almost gone in Huron from an alewife collapse, and the size and number reductions in Lake Michigan kings had anglers turning to Lake Trout after the alewife collapse.  There were past introductions of Pacific salmonids in LO that did not take, and it may well be that the current natural reproductive success is related to some critical mass of spawners that is sustained through stocking. And stocking could be a target for an environmentalist wacko group that  saw the migration of chemicals like dioxin and mirex into nearshore and tributary areas where they were not previously found as environmental damage, and sues to stop it.  Nothing is necessarily forever, except taxes,  it is good to have a lot of different eggs in your basket before they hatch, in case some don't.
2013/08/20 14:10:15
hot tuna
Top 5 reasons I used to watch TV:
1. Hey Abbot !!! Who's on first ?
2.Beam me up Scottie ...
3. Elizabeth ,it's the big one Honey !!! Grady rocked ...
4. Mary Anne was so much more fun then Ginger ...
5. H.R. Puff-N-Stuff lived in the land of Lidsville ..
... Honorable mention to Wolfman Jack and the Midnight Special:
Today :
 1... ????  Umm.. Oh yea MSG on Friday nights...
2013/08/20 17:19:56
retired guy
Agree with Tuna on the TV of olden days-
Reasons I watch TV now-
1-  Swamp People
2- Naked and afraid
3- Golf
4--2 1/2 men ( might be #1)
    As you can see I like weird and or lighthearted stuff with little or no relationship to reality.
2013/08/20 18:50:42
hot tuna
Peace- n- Tuna
2013/08/20 19:53:30
retired guy
Your right-- almost took it off and will right now.
2013/08/21 03:49:48
Insert political retort here.

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