2013/03/22 09:16:40
We are getting dumped on with snow right now. It's been coming down good since last night. Took a ride past the spillway and its locked up all the way to the breaker wall, only directly in front of the chain was open and it wasn't much.
2013/03/22 10:02:10
now you did it ,let the ,do you think there will be enough ice by next weekend begin. 
2013/03/22 16:01:04
I'm breaking out the ice stuff again... Haha. Actually I was walking on the ice in the back part of the cove (where you would launch your canoe or kayak) just to see if it would hold and I know it's only 1-2' deep (from taking my kayak out 2 weeks ago there haha).

Hartstown swam is froze over again as of this morning on my way home from work. I think this just pushed back our wading by another 2-3 weeks, but Mother Nature has been cruel to us lately so she may make up for it with a week of 40's or 50's and get things started sooner.
2013/03/23 07:48:18
Bust out the ice gear again it's freezing up. Just got out of work and drove past the spillway and as far as the eye can see is ice. They're calling for cold and snow all next week as of now also. Heck even under the bridge at the spillway is iced up. It's gonna be awhile before anything starts at this rate.
2013/03/24 21:45:15
Well i fished hard this weekend where i could find open water.  Lots of ice on the lake mostly skim but enough to be a pain in the arse.  No fish it is going to be a couple weeks now with the ice that is on the lake. 
2013/03/25 09:24:54
was there yesterday put in a manhning fished the cosway didnt catch anything..
2013/03/25 21:15:16
I would have to assume the water temp is only 34-36. Did you spend any time in the shallows?
2013/03/29 09:07:11
35.4 was temp had to bust ice to get out an was making more ice the longer we fished ..so called it a day.. heading back up tomarrow
2013/04/01 16:13:42
According to various WCO's, Pyme walleye fry have a < 1/10 of 1%  chance of a survival rate which is exactly the reason Ohio and PA stock them. Don't take my word for it. Ask any WCO there or go to the hatchery in Linesville and ask. CNR is fine, but one needs to keep it in context. CNR for wallyeye at Pyme isn't going to make a difference other than making some people feel good about upholding their personal fishing philosophy and I'm not "blasting" them for doing what makes them feel good. Just don't be judgemental [I'm not implying that anyone is] about anybody keeping their legal limit.
I fished Pyme with various people that I didn't know on Easter day. Total walleye was 8, one 15" and the rest were 20-22". This was all from shore and methods tried were vertical jigging, bladebaits, bait with float and stickbaits. 1/2 of the people were locals and the other half were not. 6 people with an average of 10 hours/ person = alot of effort with little return. This is an actual account of the day. I had heard from a WCO that other people at other spots on the lake did better.
2013/04/01 16:21:36
Sarah's causeway marina has boats in water and ready to go

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