2013/05/20 13:17:38
Had a great even
2013/05/20 13:20:47
Had a great evening Sunday night fished from 6 pm till 830 pm with 12 walleye caught. Returned to the same spot early this morning and caught 16 but only 5 legal
2013/05/20 14:56:44
Managed to fish around all the tourny fishermen on Saturday. Could not believe how many boats were out there. Struck out on the eyes in the morning. Moved up to the boat parking lot in the Linesville stumps at around 11 am and banged on some Crappie. You probably could have walked boat to boat. Then you have the idiots who try to drift through the crowd. Three guys bumped into me. You get the standard "oh sorry about that". I also love the people who just wont slow down through the maze of boats. Especially those pontoons rental idiots with 8 people on them. It wouldn't make me mad if the lowered the limit to 5hp. I didn't see anyone from the fish and boat commission out. They probably didnt want to deal with all the A-Holes. Can't say I blame them. Anyway probably got 10 or 11 of them in a couple of hours. Wonder if its going to be that crazy this weekend?
2013/05/20 17:18:35
jmat fished in linesville stumps away from the crowd but close enough to watch the madness caught 28 in an hour in a half also found the walleye fishing tough only two keepers saturday
2013/05/20 17:31:17
jmat, did you put in at Linesville?  The reason I ask is, I did and when I went in for the day two officers from Fish and Boat were checking all the boats coming in.   I have to laugh about the people who won't slow down.  I decided to start down at the spillway to avoid the crowd.  I putted through the crowd past the islands, which took ten minutes, then kicked it in the****to get down to the spillway in three....
Finished the day up between the islands, but I started a drift, had a guy pull up about twenty yards behind me and drop anchor.
I swear, my next boat has torpedo tubes
2013/05/20 21:20:55
Jmat, I was out for the walleye tournament and seen the boat commission check all kinds of boats while on the water off Tuttle and Manning. They would stop, glass with binoculars and proceed to check the next boat. Tightlines.
2013/05/21 09:13:57
I put in at Manning. I am sure the commission guys were out. You just never see them when your frustrated I guess. When I am there during the week I always see them. They are pretty good guys too. They usually stop to talk for a bit on the water and will sometimes tell me where the fish are hitting that day. Just good guys. I just wish they were around all the idiots when I was pulling my hair out I guess. Good luck this week boys. Hope this front coming through Wednesday doesn't screw everything up again.
2013/05/21 10:42:30
i saw lots of the same on the south end. Guys anchored up crappie fishing and a pontoon idiot rolls right between us all, and the bite shuts off. Thanks buddy,
also lost of guys running there 9.9's all day in bright skies and not catching a fish. Guys driving right over our lines while we're drifitng in a kayak or running 20 yards from us. I dont get it.
How do u expect to catch a walleye when we constantly motor over them?
2013/05/21 20:17:30
Last year a buddy of mine wanted to try something. He was up around Tuttle point dropped his anchor pretend to play around with his fish finder and then drop a line in the water. Within 15 min he had 4 or 5 boats around him. Then he picked up and moved over by Tuttle island. Same thing. Then he ran across by the islands again same thing. After doing this at 3 or 4 different places he asked the guys what they were using for bait. A couple of guys said worms another said rubber lures and yet another said minnows. He told the guys in the boats around him "you ain't going to catch anything in this lake with that stuff you have to use this". He then reeled his line out of the water and there was a nice size rock tied to the end. He said he never saw so many people scatter away from him so quick.

True story. He even filmed it on his phone. It was a classic.
2013/05/22 11:06:30
Two weeks ago in the middle of the week which looked like a week end because of all the boats, I was on the out side edge of a pack of 10 or 12 boats, everyone was either drifting and returning to the head of the pac slowly with a wide loop, or they where anchored, I hear a motor behind me getting louder and louder, as I turn around two idiots on plane are headed to the top of the pac, not by looping and dropping in but by the shortest route possible which was 50 ft away from me and the boat anchored ahead of me. after yelling at them which they heard above the noise of their motor they slowed down and went off to the left of everyone. An hour later same thing one guy just under full plane comes so close to get to the head of the pac I could throw a stone {which unfortunately I didn't have} into his boat and I throw like a girl ! so after saying something to him , he  proceeds to idle around my boat and debate why he shouldn't have to slow down. I just don't understand the mentality of some guys, I know its a big lake but I don't think you see the fish comish enough on it especially during the week

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