Technology as half killed this in my opinion. Sure I'm a technology guy as I sell Cell Phones for a living. But the first time a King is spotted in the river it gets posted and everyone loses their minds and comes up to fish for no reason.
Hell 18 years ago I had to clean fish for my great uncle to make a few dollars to get some hooks sinkers or basic necessities to go to the river to fish. Occasionally the older guys at his camp would give me a few hooks and split shot just to go. I remember the first day I bought a pair of polarized glasses I thought it was the greatest thing ever.
Now that I'm 28 with a high end smart phone, a job, and a desire to start dabbling in to actual Fly Fishing technology has helped me get in touch with guys on here willing to share their ideas on fishing, a good glass of scotch, cigars and funny fishing stories.
Kids these days on the river dont know how it used to be, sure I'm almost 30 and a few of you are much older than me, almost old enough to be my dad... but I agree with what many of you say around here. Basically the old school way is the best way. Fish as much as you want, release the fish, keep the memories, and pass on that attitude.