How bout those arguments you and a buddy would get into about something, but had no real way to figure out who was right. Now you just get on your (not mine) phone and look it up. I do not have and will resist to the last minute getting a "smart phone". Hell, I really do not even text.
Technology is here to stay as with the PC world of Ball games where no one loses and contests where every one get a ribbon. I feel that is a HUGE issue now a days with the younger generation, everything at their fingertips and not taught that if you don't work hard you can and will lose. In my day my dad taught me is was not OK lose and if you did you learned from it so it would not happen again. We lost, cried and played harder next time.
I will go off on a tangent and tell a story about a Babe Ruth baseball game (13 to 15 yr old). I was playing first base and a with a runner on second a deep fly to right field on the line. My play should have been go out for the cut to relay home. Thinking a guy on second and no play at third for the tag I just meandered out and took caught the ball and took my time turning around and coming in. Guy tagged from second and never stopped as I was in shallow right when I got the ball. After the play my dad rushed on the field pulled me to the bench yelling at me the whole way and sat me down because a run scored because I was not paying attention. You have to realize we played baseball in my house by Ty Cobb rules, spikes up, sliding hard. Finished 3rd in the state I think that year. How far would that go now a days???
Point is we were taught to play hard, not accept losing and learn. I NEVER, EVER let another guy score from second on a tag again.
Wow that was a tangent that may or may not have anything at all with this post.
As far s fishing I would spend the night at my friends house in Pineville and we would walk to the river on Saturday mornings. Carry around 5 gallon pails and get eggs and sell them at the corner store. There was some # we called to get info back in the day, but according to it there were always fish in the river