That,leaving the rod on the vehicle,is a common experience.I left mine on the roof a couple years ago and realized it when it clattered to the street as I drove off.Got the rod back but the reel was bent and unusable.
Many years ago we were Steely fishing at the trestle.While there I fished next to a couple guys from NJ that lived near the the Pa border,had a good time fishing and talking to them.After awhile my cousin and I decided to drive to the Sandy to try that.When we got there my cousin discovered his rod was missing,yep he left in the trestle parking lot.We dashed back to the lot but it was gone.I had a hunch that those Jersey guys might have found it as they said they were leaving soon.I told my cousin if they got it I think somehow it will be returned.Well,after we got home I noticed a ad in the lost & found in the morning paper saying if you lost a rod on the SR "I have it" call and describe and it's yours.I called my cousin about the ad and he got his rod back,this was a custom built expensive rod!
There's many good people out there,too bad it's the bad ones that get the press.
Hey Chartist,how was the fishing?