2013/08/11 20:30:29
Thanks to all that showed at the Clarion outing. the fishing wasn't the best but the weather was in out favor. the food was great and nice seeing all that came. the organic corn was the BEST i've ever eaten, no doubt about it, thanks Suzie.
friday night at the campsight was beer tasting and conversation around the flaming campfire.
saturday night was an alcohol frenzy. it included more beer, home made wine, two or three different kinds of hooch, rum cherries, more beer, more hooch and more wine. 
2013/08/11 20:57:06
Deb and I had a good time  Thanks.....
OH And I learned one thing  SlabDaddy is a good Daddy   Way to get those kids involved .....  Now if you would take up fly fishing you would be an OK Guy in my book
2013/08/11 21:05:13
Get that whole cohort fly fishing and you could pretty much just tell the fish what the hatch was going to be that day.
Wonderful family.
Thank YOU, dt.  I had a completely awesome time, just like last year.  Coyotes and all. 
2013/08/11 21:22:33
Sure was good seeing you gents again...
Had a good time. Needed a good rewind...
Dam yotes were kinda close...
2013/08/11 21:26:37

Dam yotes were kinda close...

At one time I thought they were about 4 feet from me
2013/08/11 22:16:26
Skip, thank you Sir. It was a pleasure  to meet you and your wife. I'm sure fly fishing is somewhere in the future for me.
Cold, literally laughed out loud on that one! With that many flies in the water, it would definitely look like a new hatch! It was great to meet you. My wife enjoyed talking to you. She now knows you better than I do! LOL! And thanks for helping to carry stuff to the car. That was very nice of you. Sorry the chair bit you... LOL! At least I learned from watching you. Now I know to keep my fingers outta there!
2013/08/12 06:52:50
Slabdaddy your beans were the bomb.All the food was top notch.It was great to see everyone.
2013/08/12 08:48:06
when i was cleaning camp i found a small cooler with coffee items in it. a hatchet and a small quantity of hydro fluid. could be a coffee drinking, skidder leaking, logger items i suspect?
also found 2 small mason jars of a small quantity of liquid, one had a cinnamon stick in it, that i used to start the morning fire.
2013/08/12 10:38:57

when i was cleaning camp i found a small cooler with coffee items in it. a hatchet and a small quantity of hydro fluid. could be a coffee drinking, skidder leaking, logger items i suspect?
also found 2 small mason jars of a small quantity of liquid, one had a cinnamon stick in it, that i used to start the morning fire.

Careful with that stuff, you'll blow yourself up...
2013/08/12 13:10:45
Thanks again for organizing the meet Jerry! Great time! 
Was great seeing everyone again and meeting new fisher folk too!
oh, and you can have dem jars...they make good hillbilly wine glasses! 

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