2013/07/23 07:03:18
Aug, 10th. cooksburg pa along the clarion river. we eat around 2:30 - 3:00
ok folks. if you plan on attending please let me know so we can figure on how many are coming.
it would be nice if everyone can pitch in and bring something to the picnic.
there is fishing, swimming and a playground nearby. i'll put up a couple of canopies like i did last year next to the river.
a few people get together Saturday morn and/or Sunday morn for a canoe/kayak float.
I'll post directions to the campsight when i set it up on wed. 
doubletaper +1 = burgers, plates, plasticware, condiments
world famous +1 = dogs, kbassi and buns
birdup +1 = potato salad
skip +1
Deetz = bottled water and pop
Acmaul13 +2  = 7 layer salad
Slabdaddy + 5= baked beans 
mohawksyd +1= buffalo chicken dip 
pork +1 = pasta salad 
beavercoangler= corn on the cob and fix'ns
Cold= snacks
 Bings= firewood 

directions to picnic 8/10/13
 i'll be setting up for the picnic around 8:00am saturday. anyone wants to help out be at the picnic sight.
coming from the west.
Take I80 east to the clarion exit. go north past wal-mart. stay straight through clarion, past court house, on miola road. you'll come to a stop sign which is rte 36. turn right. follow into cooksburg to the bridge over the clarion river, turn left before the bridge. go about a mile upriver. you'll come to an area with lots of picnic tables along the road/river and a playground.

if you're coming from the east take I80 west. get off at the brookville exit and follow rte. 36 north/west. follow the signs to cooks forest. stay on 36. when you pass mcbeths campground and store slow down and cross the bridge over the clarion river. turn right after bridge. go about a mile upriver. you'll come to an area with lots of picnic tables and a playground along the river..

i'll set up tarps and picnic stuff along the river in the morning. this should be before the play ground. 
A few of us will be camping along the river in the ANF. there is room for about 5 tents (free camping). The campsight is about 11 miles upcreek from the picnic area. if you are interested in camping or visiting the campsight let me know. i'll be at the campsight friday, saturday and sunday.
any questions send me a msge. plenty of area to pitch a few more tents.  

  directions to camp,
from the river road where the picnic will be held.
follow rte 36 east/south from mcbeths campground store (just east of bridge in cooksburg on rte36). follow rte.36 to rte899. trun left onto 899north. down hill and cross over the bridge in clarington and turn at first rt. go to stop sign and go straight on belltown rd. (actually a quick rt. and lft.) follow this and you'll see the river on your right. you'll be on this road for about 4 miles and than you'll go across millstone creek bridge and to a stop sign. turn rt. you'll take the bend to the left and see a modern pit bathroom building on the left and river on the right. Just past the bathrooms there are 4 campsights on the left. campsite #C2, second sight on left past bathrooms. 
if you're coming from brookville (off at exit) follow rte. 36 north/west to rte899. turn rt on 899. go down hill than turn rt. as soon as you cross the bridge and follow the directions above. any questions send me a msge. plenty of area to pitch a few more tents.

2013/07/23 09:32:26
Slabdaddy + 5 (wife and kids) Bringing baked beans.
DT is there electricity for roasters?
2013/07/23 10:23:52
no electric. we cook on coleman stoves and there are iron grilles that we use coal. we can always warm up the beans if need be, i bring pots and pans in my traveling camper van!!
2013/07/23 18:54:55
some pics from last year.
all are welcome to stop by.
2013/07/25 06:55:03
World Famous
Dogs, kielbassi and buns.....WF
2013/07/25 16:16:28
I signed up under the wrong post ( sorry), Count me in as 1, and if it's OK I'll bring corn on the cob, butter, salt & if my tomatoes are ripe some Italian tomato salad, and some sort of desert...
2013/07/26 16:40:55
I see WF mentioned dogs here...
in that case, I'll bring the pasta salad if that works.
2013/07/26 20:55:41

2013/08/05 07:25:22
World Famous
River is in great shape, if we dont get substancial rains. A little low for canoes[ maybe a little draggin] but the bass fishing should be very good....WF...Hoping for good weather and to see old friends, and new ones, again.
2013/08/05 21:52:09
directions to camp,
from the river road where the picnic will be held.
follow rte 36 east/south from mcbeths campground store (just east of bridge in cooksburg on rte36). follow rte.36 to rte899. trun left onto 899north. down hill and cross over the bridge in clarington and turn at first rt. go to stop sign and go straight on belltown rd. (actually a quick rt. and lft.) follow this and you'll see the river on your right. you'll be on this road for about 4 miles and than you'll go across millstone creek bridge and to a stop sign. turn rt. you'll take the bend to the left and see a modern pit bathroom building on the left.
if you're coming from brookville (off at exit) follow rte. 36 north/west to rte899. turn rt on 899. go down hill than turn rt. as soon as you cross the bridge and follow the directions above.
i'll have the campsight # up on thursday for those who are going to camp with us or stop to visit.
any questions send me a msge. plenty of area to pitch a few more tents.

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