2013/09/24 09:52:07
hot tuna
Fish USA definitely has some program and possibly security issues.
It won't allow me to log in from my phone . The log in box will not stay in place and any typing I do always changes ( it's not my phone as other sites work fine )
I see some of the topics have their last posting dates changed also.
The spammers seem very easily getting past the security code.
Just letting you know that I am having issues , don't know if others are the same
2013/09/24 10:15:01
retired guy
Was OUT for a couple of days -again- and somehow got back in a day or two ago. Without getting the usual requested E-mail resetting the password that the system is set up for.
 Not savvy enough to know how that happened but didnt seem right. Happy to be back again though but gotta wonder if some have just moved on and gave up trying.
 The passwords dont seem to HOLD like in other places even using the SAVE option.
  System glinch or outside interference- dont know- but am not the first to be OUT for unknown reasons..
 When trying to get back in-after going through the displayed process for a few days with no luck-  by re registering with a new logo the system wont allow it as it says the E- mail address already exists.
2013/09/24 10:55:07
2013/09/24 12:20:56
hot tuna
I can't get to the page. Can you post it as a link ?
There is definitely issues here as the forum re- directs me ( pop up) to their tee shirts.
I wanted to order some goodies from the store as well but getting the pages to load are next to impossible .
2013/09/24 13:55:36
http://forums.fishusa.com/Forum/63-Forum-Tech-Support/ I dunno why it's not coming up as link. The boxes are definitely screwy on my phone also though. Maybe copy n paste it to the p top It's the last forum at the bottom of the main page though, if you can get there.
2013/09/25 00:44:31
hot tuna
Are any folks having "issues" with the site ?
I mean it's giving me all kinds of fits, such as redirecting and just closing out.. It's not just confined to one computer.. My phone won't allow me access, my laptop gives me warnings and another (neighbors) computer I get re directed ...
Humm.. Don't know how long I can deal with this seeing as invaders are easily getting through..
2013/09/25 02:39:31
Sorry to hear this.
I have veen fine myself but I run aKaspersky anti (paid) and malwarebites (free)
and do a sweep of each evert couple days or so.
Good luck.
Can't believe no response from admin yet.
Possible loss of long time member and past shopper should have them concerned.
Seems updates always leave opening from mikesoft  to fishing sites.
2013/09/25 04:05:53
Yes my phone often kicks me an error of connection to server timed out and my phone acts like it has no internet connection for a minute... maybe tapatalk would have been a friendlier update for mobile users. On the PC no complaints about the last layout
2013/09/25 07:53:09
Tapatalk is garbage I'm not gonna pay to use a free forum
2013/09/25 08:47:34
Thank you for bringing this to our attention and posting a link to it in the support forums.
We are looking into this and will reply back in the support forum, at http://forums.fishusa.com/Message/528604-admin/

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