2013/09/18 20:28:11
hot tuna
Well . Jack put a blindfold on me, spun me around about a dozen times and we drove what felt like hrs so I really don't know where it is but he sure catches fish there.

My secret spot is the UFZ and sometimes puckerbush creek ;)
2013/09/18 20:35:26
How come everyone knows Jacks secret spot but me? 

Quit your complaining... you've got your secret spot where the salmon out number you a 1000/1 :)

Did you get my pm?
2013/09/18 22:41:15
Guys all the reports are getting tough to handle. I know it'll be the weekend but I just cant take a day off yet. Any thoughts about fishing Friday afternoon and Saturday? I know there will be more people but fish wise what are your thoughts?
2013/09/19 03:49:32
So there were coho in the stairs Tues AM?
I thought of starting there but new it would draw a crowd pretty early.
I didn't have anyone within eyesight till 7:30 and they were out of sight in 10 minutes.
On the downside it seems I missed the coho.
Twice now that I think about it.
Dollar short early morning and afternoon.
Guess it was my turn to be the bee not the windshield.
2013/09/19 05:37:20
got your pm brother and I thank you. My secret spot has been void of people this year so far, in fact only two boats have floated by me there. Cp I have found a lot of action in the afternoons, if there is a lot of sun look for a shaded bank with few or no fisherman below you, if there are people below and there not chucker&ducker type youll be fine, if they are blood thirsty salmon killers move, Ill send you a pm to my favorite spot If you fish to them they will bite.
2013/09/19 06:47:38
2 b, I have Seen cohoes in the port quite a few times at last light and they were usually in ball park after first light. Was kinda just kidding about johns cohoes but most likely they left the estuary in the early am if you know what I mean. Swing don't be confused By my bs report... its peak season and fish will be in decent numbers in most parts... I'd love to see a slight flow increase from some rain... even with this flow, the Haldane to 81 area doesn't allow the fish to get through without being seen. What a slaughterhouse it is down there. Tight lines and have fun this weekend
2013/09/19 12:47:27
John sounds like you hit the forefront of the cohoes that twobob missed at first light in the staircase... ;)

Awesome report though. Hopefully I'll catch ya one of these days... just like I missed bear this past weekend... busy,busy... :(

Well, since its peek weekend coming up, fukk it, the port is gurgling for a few days now and the lake is on fire... rain on Friday with easterly winds for a few days... fish on folks. Its peak season!!!

Jack!!! Let me know your days up. I'd like to meet ya in your secret spot ;)

Andy,did you get my PM ?
2013/09/19 13:01:42
Jack didn't get it. Maybe you scent it to dimebrite instead of dimebrite2...
2013/09/19 13:44:20
Jack didn't get it. Maybe you scent it to dimebrite instead of dimebrite2...

That's what I did,just sent you a new one!
2013/09/19 21:00:44
got it 3fan thanks. Thanks for the intel guys. working full time with two little ones makes things kinda hectic. I always appreciate your input. Hope everyone has a great weekend

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