2013/08/21 03:47:15
I look at it as mid Aug? What could you expect.
I saw fish moving up so the opportunity was there I just didn't grab it.
If I had a full day I woyld have gone to a spot thatt had some shadows till late morning (my first choice but the one I didn't take,
It would have been below the lifters (at least the ones I saw)  and maybe the fish would have been holding better.
I got what I paid for and happy with it.
I love the  river.
Should also mention that of the 20 or so fish I saw half were coho.
They were the only ones that slowed down ,the kings were just blowing by, and I didn't prepare for coho fishing even if they weren't terrified. 
New 10ft ECHO will take some getting used to.
First 4 piece rod I've ever used.
Seemed a bit clunky and stiff at first, but I had a feeling with it before I left.
Tuna I don't expect to go thru a box of 50 #2 hooks anytime soon.
2013/08/21 09:21:36
Two b... is your new 10' rod a switch? I heard about some coho too. I'm gonna be looking for some this afternoon/evening :)

2013/08/21 09:30:01
Is there a big difference in the flies you guys use for cohos compared to kings? Is it just size or pattern also? I'm going to be in the area all next week for the first time and would like to give it a go.
2013/08/21 10:05:37
Mote , I primarily fish the lower end only for salmon. I find any thing bright works well in broken water tail outs for both Chinook and coho. Red always seems to stand out for coho thinking back. The farther up river you go the more presentable your fly will have to be as they are spooked, finnicky and basically not eating at all... good luck. Others will chime in with more advice.

2013/08/21 12:08:30
retired guy
Have had decent Ho luck with pink colors in 6 or 8 upriver and of course blue egg sacs.
2013/08/21 12:25:58

Is there a big difference in the flies you guys use for cohos compared to kings? Is it just size or pattern also? I'm going to be in the area all next week for the first time and would like to give it a go.

Read the thread "salmon flies redux" a couple threads down.

2013/08/21 12:58:56
Thanks for the info guys. I have a lot of buggers and comets tied up in bright and natural colors.
2013/08/21 15:57:00

Thanks for the info guys. I have a lot of buggers and comets tied up in bright and natural colors.

Tie a bunch of estaz egg flys in various colors on size 10 or 12 egg hooks.Easy tie and they work!
2013/08/21 16:42:04
All this talk about fish starting to show up is making it hard to think of anything else. Great to hear all is OK with DB great picture of you and your son. Congrats
2013/08/21 17:12:16
No Dime but with the short fighting butt I used it that way for longer casts.
Yes I have some flies that seem to work for kings and some that work better for coho.
Oh yes and many that don't catch anything at all.

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