2013/09/13 23:21:08
That might ov been an little harsh....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABc1-6o9cF0
2013/09/14 20:06:15
The seagulls I don't see any solution. The geese, the PGC needs to just open the lake and surrounding area to the 8 bird limit the rest of the state. The 3 bird on the lake limit and 1 bird limit outside of 100 yds of the lake is ridiculous especially during the September season that is used as a local bird control method. Everybody complains about the goose droppings everywhere yet they won't allow the hunters to help control the numbers. I know I live 30 seconds from the lake but will drive 30 minutes to hunt an 8 bird area. That same holds true with people outside the Pymatuning zone that won't drive to hunt in it.
I know this isn't on topic with the seagulls, but like I first said I don't see any solution to that other than them starting to allow hunting them, which is not going to happen.
2013/09/17 19:55:19
As you wrote Coldfront, there are many problems [and unfortunately few solutions]. Loved your logic re: the gulls, sterility drugs and carp. LMAO! Walleye18, I'm glad you noticed and wrote about the recordings. Since nobody else did, I was beginning to wonder if anybody else was aware of them. Interesting post by Frost. I don't understand why the PGC would initiate a 3 bag limit unless at one time they believed there wouldn't be enough geese to go around for all of the hunters.. Funny photo Topdog! Reminded me of the gulls in the movie [Finding Nemo]. I'm not sure why, but that seemed to fit their character well when the gulls would say "Mine,mine". I love that part.
2013/09/18 10:09:31
fishin coyote
The reason for the 3/1 bird limit as told to me by the Pymy WMA biologist. When they originally had the early season you where allowed 5 birds in the surrounding area except the small area west of rt6. After the 1st couple of seasons of this the number of opportunities and kills in the WMA went down.
He told me that although biologically they were fine with the number of birds killed in the early season some big wigs were hunting on the WMA and didn't like it. So they were forced to not only restrict the kill but also enlarge the area of protected/limited opportunity under the guise of the St James Bay flock.
2013/09/20 08:27:59
I can understand the lower limits to "protect" the southern James bay population during regular season, but the purpose of early season is to control the resident pop. When you have park/GC shooting birds with 22s during the summer and oiling the eggs in the spring because the resident pops too high, RAISE THE DARN EARLY SEASON LIMIT AND OPEN THE SURROUNDING AREA!...

Geese fly, it's not like they fly couple hundred yards or even 1 mile, they will fly many miles for food. I hunt in the 8 bird zone and the birds are flying from the 3/1 bird zone to my field. I also hunt a field in the 3/1 zone that the birds are flying out of the 8 bird zone to get to. It just makes no sense to me, but then again what does the pgc do that usually makes sense?
2013/09/20 21:56:52
Thanks Coldfront and Fishin Coyote for your responses as to the reason for a 3 bird limit. It seems to me there are a lot more geese than there used to be. It seems as if they went through a population explosion. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for replies!
2013/09/21 08:04:08
fishin coyote
IMHO the reason for the CG pop. explosion can be described in 2 words.
Human development.
As urban/suburban areas continue to develop it creates a perfect habit (ponds,manicured lawns, golf courses, etc.) with a lack of predators to prey on nests or young geese.
2013/09/21 20:26:47
  You're quite right Cold. Turkeys are common in the suburbs as well as deer, common enough that both are considered by some to be nuisance species. I've always thought it funny how some people in the suburbs are anti - hunting until deer started to eat their treasured young trees and shrubs. After that, they welcomed hunters taking deer. I remember when one went to the northern tier counties to hunt for both. Fox also have become common although not many see them as they are so secretive. It is a shame about the pheasants. I had thoughts at one time of getting eggs , incubating and releasing them. A noble effort, but where would they go? There's a good reason why their numbers have dwindled dramatically. Same with box turtles. I remember seeing a lot more when I was younger.
 Thanks also Fishin Coyote for your input. That makes a lot of sense about the CG. Like other species, they too have become considered to be nuisance species.
2013/09/22 09:07:34
Just like Alaska, (don't feed the bears) DON"T FEED THE D**N SEAGULLS!

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