2013/09/11 18:43:17
if anyone has a boat docked at the espyville marina you should contact the state and ask what they are doing to get rid of the gulls that are crapping all over everyones investments it is a shame to pay money to dock there and risk diseases when trying to uncover your boat.conditions are very bad I am  serious just take a drive down and look don't blame the people who rent the boats they no longer control the rental docks its a shame i will think about trailer my boat next year
2013/09/11 23:11:13
Even worse. They let the fish crap & pizz all through the lake. I won't swim in that cesspool.
2013/09/13 17:19:08
I agree with ALLHOOKEDUP.
When will the State clean it up or the folks who run the livery.Better than the livery go to the Spillway !What a sickening place to be DIRTIEST PLACE
from all the gulls crap.I can only imagine the disease there.How can a family enjoy taking the family of children there.
I do not recall these same problems being this bad untill the spillway was redone,along with the marina being moved from one side to the other.Remember the little building? Hey Pennsylvania step up.
2013/09/13 17:31:57
Gulls are a federally protected species - probably very little to absolutely nothing PA can do about them other than clean up after them, or prohibit feeding to congregate them. 
2013/09/13 18:20:36
Coldfront and Rsquared offered very good posts and points. I don't know how to legally combat the gulls, controlling their numbers or presence, but there is something extremely effective that I noticed on the Ohio beach at the Causeway for controlling the geese problem. If one were to look at the tops of the long defunct concession stand and I think in some corners of the eaves as well, relatively frequently I've heard the recorded sounds of geese coming from them. I don't know what is being said in the recording and apparently comprehended, but the live geese don't like what the recorded geese are saying as their numbers there are greatly diminished. Maybe one of you guys can ask the PAFBC or ideally the Game Commission the next time you're there. With my changing work schedule, I don't expect to be there for at least one month.
2013/09/13 19:42:47
The geese at Pyme, like in other areas, has increased dramatically over many years so much so that they have been considered to be a nuisance with all of their crap accumulating everywhere, including golf courses. I don't golf, but can understand how that would create tensions for the golfers and also for the families with young children that want to utilize the beaches. If I remember this correctly from many years ago, that was why a special season was declared for Canada Geese, to help control their numbers. I don't how many hunters participated in the special hunt, but it seems like there are more geese than ever and like many issues, there isn't one blanket answer. It's multi-factorial. To paraphrase Coldfront, I too prefer the "incessant squawking of the gulls as an early morning alarm clock over the noise of the inner city". Also as Cold has stated, Try as Man might, Nature will never be controlled completely and humans need to learn to compromise... . It reminds me of when I all to frequently hear there is an alligator problem in Florida and they need to be killed. There isn't an alligator problem, it's a people problem. Man has drained thousands of acres of canals and waterways, in essence destroying their homes that have existed for hundreds of years in order that we may create new waterways and build condos near the water. The 'gators are simply looking for a place to live, places where they were evicted from. There are many more examples of this, but I'll stop here as although still being tied to the original post, it could easily get lengthy and divert. Well stated Cold about humans needing to learn to compromise. I never considered your last statement as being directed towards anyone, but simply as you wrote , just a general statement. I hope that I wasn't coming across as attempting to control nature or being offensive in general. No worries.
2013/09/13 21:43:35
Coldfront, I do not have boat kept at the marina.I prefer not to leave it at any marina .
I will not disagrre with you,just my opinion.Although I will disagree with the part of
gulls always using rocks,and or guardrails. You are right though about them using those spots.Just think it has got worse than 40 years ago I have also crossed that Causeway
2013/09/13 21:57:21
Yes the Gulls are a protected species.But Can be shot from what I understand.If all other means have been tried to rid themSuch as trapping,Fish 5000 is correct about his comment
the Ohio beach does use a sound of some type to rid the gulls.There are several other methods also out there.As far as shooting them a permit needs to be applied for
from the United States Fish and Wildlife Agency.
We are all right there is no clear answer.
2013/09/13 22:18:42
The building must stop along the lake,that is so true.

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