2013/06/20 13:40:42
2013/06/20 13:42:42
wade alexander

so why dont you start a save the bowfin organization?

seriously **** these fish

What a loser.  Go start your own fish kill board, jackwagon!
2013/07/05 16:34:06
The wanton and wasteful killling of natural, native fish species [or any species] is often based on prejudice and hatred. As one example, northern pike are revered as a gamefish in many parts of America while they are mutilated and left to die in parts of Canada. I won't even bother to go into the reasoning that I've heard. That's only one example. People display their ignorance by their actions and beliefs. Re: the freshwater drum on Lake Erie, I 've witnessed that before too and got the answer that the people were "trying to control their numbers because all they do is silt up the bottom and ruin potential future fish populations and besides that, they're ugly!". I'm stopping with what little I wrote because some people demonstrate their stupidity every time they open their mouth and the best part about it is that they are too stupid to know it.
2013/07/05 18:54:05

 Re: the freshwater drum on Lake Erie, I 've witnessed that before too and got the answer that the people were "trying to control their numbers because all they do is silt up the bottom and ruin potential future fish populations and besides that, they're ugly!".

I wish an excuse like that worked for some people too...these idiots are the same people that like to get high and mighty about conservation when it suits them too.
2013/07/06 10:27:33
My girlfriend and I were out Yesterday (7/5) fishing at Woodcock and my girlfriend ended up hooking and landing one a bowfin, and some guy had the nerve to say we should take a knife and drive it into it's skull and throw it in the bushes...  Saying it's an Invasive Species like the Snakehead and does too much harm and there's too high of a population.  I said buddy it's a Bowfin and it's to be released like every other native species in the state unless you are within rights to take it.  He was pretty ****ed when I said I'm putting it back and he shot back with "Well if it makes you feel better to throw it back when it shouldn't be there then by all means."  I replied I do what I'm supposed to within the law set by the PFBC if you have a problem take it up with them."  He scoffed and said fine but I know they are bad...  I seriously don't understand how miss informed or ignorant people can be...
2013/07/07 15:45:44
^Way too many people like that out there.  Sad. 
I wonder how many people actually keep bowfin to eat.  I'd imagine it's VERY few, and if so I wonder if the PFBC could just put a no kill regulation on them? Not trying to be a bowfin treehugger, but there's just too many people out there killing fish(not just bowfin, as said by others) for no reason.  I wonder if maybe putting up signs informing people about bowfin and how they are a native species, don't hurt other fish populations, etc. would help?
2013/07/12 06:29:59
Ignorance will always reign in matters such as... I've seen people poked by catfish drive pliers into them twist and throw back... I can't stand people... One thing signage may do is help some but, I think people doing their part educating themselves and passing on knowledge as well as some responsible angler characteristics would be best... Oh and if the PFBC wasn't stretched so thin may help a bit as well...
2013/07/16 13:42:03
Bowfin are a "Candidate Species" State wide, that means they have the potential to end up on the"threatened" list. It is recommended by the PAFB to release all bowfin. Check out their website, it clearly states that. Bowfin are native to PA and most of the eastern US and Canada. They should not be just killed because people consider them a trash fish. There is no room for that kind of mentality in the outdoors. Sure you want to remove "problem" non native species, that is actually recommended. But don't kill something just to kill it or cause it could eat your favorite target fish species.
Check out my article in the August issue of the PAOJ, it's on bowfin fishing in western Pa and proper identification between a bowfin and a snakehead. We have a very solid population of bowfins here in western pa, but statewide the population is not that strong. That is why they have the "Candidate" classification. As Spoonie always says "Get Informed" !
2013/07/17 09:09:34
Retrieved from the PAFBC website:
This section cited in 7 Pa. Code §  128.102 (relating to protected designated areas).

§ 75.3. Candidate species.

 (a)  General. The species listed in subsections (b) and (c) are considered candidate species which could achieve endangered or threatened status in the future. They are subject to seasons, size, creel—bag—and possession limits specified in this subpart. A person who catches these species is encouraged to release them immediately and unharmed to the waters or other area from which they were taken.
 (b)  Fishes. 
    (3)  Bowfin, Amia calva.
2013/08/24 20:39:20
In a related note to this good thread that troutguy started, in the recent past there has been a movement to eradicate Lionfish in Florida and Snakeheads in Virginia. As many of you know, both are invasive species and their populations are exploding, causing havoc with the established natural order. The good thing about it though is that they aren't being wantonly killed. Both, fortunately, are delicious and are being served at local restaurants. Both fish live in the waters of other states, but these are the only two states that I'm aware of that are offering them on the menu. Back a number of years ago, there was a fishing contest that ran for a few consecutive years at Pyme, the Carp-A-Thon. One of the main guys that was largely responsible for the program couldn't do it anymore and nobody else was willing to take on the project, so it ended. From what I've been told, the carp were all hauled off to some guy that turned them into hog feed.

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