2013/06/06 19:37:38
Really??? I'm actually surprised, even though I don't know you I have pretty much come to the assumption you are a pretty good, well-natured fisherman from reading posts on here. 
#1...the killing/wasting of ANY fish(especially native, non-invasive species) for no reason is just wrong(as many on here would agree).  What if I caught a musky and just tossed it on the bank to die? Or a bass? Or a sucker? You get the point.  Now an asian carp or a snakehead would be a different story.  
#2...bowfin cause no harm to the fishery.  In fact they were here much longer than pretty much any other gamefish.
I'm not trying to start a whole "save the bowfin(or insert whatever other species)" thing, but I(and a lot of other fishermen who care about our fisheries) get irratated at the pointless killing of native fish that are supposed to be here and don't cause any harm.  Does nothing to help a fishery, and even though the killing of one or two fish won't destroy the population(obviously, most of us keep some fish here and there), it's just flat out wrong imounless of course you are putting it to good use, ex. for food.  Like I mentioned, this also happens with bullhead, drum, and I'm sure other native fish.  And as other people said it happens in hunting also.  People are uneducated, or just don't care.  I think it's both. 
2013/06/10 04:30:03
I killed a half dozen Saturday, threw em in the brush

Oops I thought this was the woodchuck hunting forum
2013/06/10 16:02:52
I am so glad my Dad instilled good etiquette in me when it came to killing things i dont eat whether was fishing or hunting. Even when I was a small boy fishing with him if he or I saw trash in our wilds, he'd tell me to pick it up....lol. At 1st I was like why?? Its not ours, then a lecture would ensue and id be picking up the trash. :)
2013/06/10 16:11:12
+1 on that gymi.
A little respect goes a long way. 
2013/06/10 17:46:09
wade alexander

so why dont you start a save the bowfin organization?

seriously **** these fish

And this, boys and girls, is what happens when your mom is your sister.
2013/06/10 20:26:37
That's sick. Honestly, why do they have a bad reputation? They're bigger than a bass, they fight harder than a bass... yet so many ppl hate them. You can say they smell... but so do muskies...
2013/06/10 21:10:45

I am so glad my Dad instilled good etiquette in me when it came to killing things i dont eat whether was fishing or hunting. Even when I was a small boy fishing with him if he or I saw trash in our wilds, he'd tell me to pick it up....lol. At 1st I was like why?? Its not ours, then a lecture would ensue and id be picking up the trash. :)

That's sick. Honestly, why do they have a bad reputation? They're bigger than a bass, they fight harder than a bass... yet so many ppl hate them. You can say they smell... but so do muskies...

Never caught a bowfin but seen one hooked and fought and would love to try it sometime lol...  And touche about the muskies Boro...
2013/06/13 13:30:00
Doesn't surprise me reading these post's about others, and what they do to the fish.  What a shame....also with the trash all over the water.  Glad I have a boat so I don't have to be around other people, and see that kind of filth.  Keep on fishing guys!
2013/06/13 14:35:02
Glad I have a boat so I don't have to be around other people, and see that kind of filth.

Yeah, it's a good thing that nobody else has a boat.
2013/06/13 16:50:04
eye crosser
Yyou need to come to Shenango and fish for a day.   You'll see all kinds iof containers and plastic bottles floating in the water along with other junk.  It's especially bad on Monday morning after the weekend crowd gets done, they're trash  goes over the side.

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