2013/06/05 13:26:57
I was going to post this a while back but didn't get to doing it, but then just last week I came across a similar act and now I just have to post.
I see this way too often on this specific waterway and a nearby one.  It is not hard to tell the difference between a bowfin and a snakehead, and if you do know the difference yet still do this then you shouldn't be allowed to fish, or do anything for that matter. 
Last week I came across a dead bullhead on the bank.  And it's not like it died from natural causes and just washed up on shore, it was a good 10ft from the water. I've seen other fish(even "gamefish") mistreated at this place though.  People just letting the fish flop around on the cement and rocks and whatnot. 
Just had to let it out.  I don't get people who just throw fish on the bank.  I know people do this on lake Erie with drum too.  It makes more sense to kill a steelhead or some other non native fish.  Sick. 

2013/06/05 14:32:28
+1 the senseless killing of fish
also the blatant disrespect of nature from these outdoorsman around PA lakes, pop cans, beer, plastic bags, bait containers everywhere. It's not that hard to clean up after yourself.  
2013/06/05 14:46:56
i came across a guy with that sort of attitude towards bowfin on french creek a few years back.  he said he wanted to catch a bowfin just so he could kill it.  it was an uncomfortable situation
2013/06/05 15:12:40
A Lot of idiots out there that ruin it for everyone !
2013/06/05 15:12:53
It just really irritates me, as it does nothing but harm to the fishery and is just flat out stupid/pointless. 
And I agree TheBlueLagoon.  For a project for school I actually decided to do litter pickup along some of the lakes/rivers I frequent because of all the trash.  Well a week after a couple of friends and I cleaned up a small section of river, the trash came back(as expected). People are just slobs. 
And Accountant, that's just messed up. 
2013/06/05 15:43:30
I've seen it in hunting season too. Mostly with the early goose season. People will shot the geese and let them lay in the fields. I've come across places this year too where people cleaned their fish and let the caucuses lay on the banks.
2013/06/05 16:01:02
The Ref
People just don't give a #hit...I've hunted out west and your 10 miles deep in the mountains and you look down and see an old pop can and some other garbage that some stupid slob left behind for guys like us to pick up and put it in our pack to carry out.....
2013/06/05 17:47:29
Jagoffs I tell ya...  I saw some **** stab a channel cat at Pymatuning that he caught after he got poked by the fin spine and threw it in the water via pliers that were still stabbed into the poor fish...  I wanted to say hey buddy it's not the fishes fault your a moron and got poked maybe I should stab your worthless arse and throw you in...  I wanted to thump him but I would have been the bad guy. ...  Even calling 911 for them to notify a WCO would have been to late because he left not even 5 minutes after the fact...    Ugh and the garbage...  Being from Greensburg/Jeannette area I know all too well just seeing it laying in the streets right in front of homes etc...  Plus Twin Lakes and Mammoth may as well be garbage dumps instead of parks... 
2013/06/05 19:28:08
if u kill jus to kill(goes with hunting and fishing) then u are no sporstman more like a murderer in my book....good post troutguy
2013/06/06 17:16:21
wade alexander
so why dont you start a save the bowfin organization?
seriously **** these fish

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