2013/10/02 02:46:34
3fan don't get me wrong I won't be getting in the line to swing a hammer any time soon.
Just whining about the casting blister because of my baby soft skin.
Fichy if you have read the board the last couple weeks you've seen that I have even touch a fish till now.
People around me rippin it up and me wearing the skunk like underarmour.
Unless the fish are moving so thick you can't avoid fouling them most of my stickums are clean.
I should mention I had a king in the tail in the morning and 2 hooked somewhere other than the mouth in the lfz.
Dime your spot?
Young pups like you were only standing on top of my cleat marks!
PS where the sand hill used to be was where my son hooked and landed his first SR steel.Roll casting a couple bbs in the crowd of running line cannonballers one afternoon and he lit it up.
He hooked and landed 3 fish by himself at 8 years old.
The other umm cough cough flyfishers had about the same between a dozen of them.
Spent his time between fishing climbing the hill.
I like do like mouth shots of kings since all the experts are sure they don't bite.
In this case I was trying to show Tuna the fly I mentioned to him (and said i was going to post a pic of)
that is my go to anywhere above 2a.
Thanks for the kind words all and PA and Tuna sorry I didn't see you guys.
2013/10/02 04:19:35
From what I am hearing it seems like if I'd stayed down low yesterday I may have hit the front end of the motherload around 10 am or so.
Still glad I didn't because the crowd was disgusting down there.
Is it selfish to hope the renewed heat this week shuts it down since I can't go back for 2 weeks?
I guess I'll just click my heels together and repeat the mantra 
Steelfish steelfish steelfish...........
2013/10/02 06:00:41
Also I should say that at least where I was in the zone people were pretty much fishing.
Most were using too much weight killing their drifts.
A few were using way too much weight on sray poles and lobbing too far upstream.
I did see 2 or 3 #2 tin shot on this skinny water.
Nobody was doing the classic lob weight and when it touches bottom sweeping it out.
I would say most were no nothing as opposed to intentional lifters.
It was a much more pleasing experience than several years ago when I fished there last.
Some pretty loud experts pontificating (mostly BS) that I could cleary hear the conversation 50 yards downriver.
2013/10/02 07:32:49
The Douglaston site says all hell broke loose down there yesterday, too.  This would be the weekend to slip away, but the pepper guy says get them Saturday or they may be peppercicles.
2013/10/02 12:58:42
great report
i usually collect a couple fly lines up there every year, most still on fish :)
2013/10/02 15:20:16
hot tuna
great read and report..
Sorry we didn't hook up.. The site went bonkers again sometime monday and I could not log on.. 
While the UFZ was VOID of ppl monday we were SHOCKED it was crawling with whippers and rippers on Tues..
Jack and I were in awe at some of the antics..
Quick story:
We are fishing away when this ripper yahoo from WAY above us at the upper wire comes running downstream with a "floating: foul hooked salmon.. he goes another 200 yards down and outta sight..
Awhile later I hear Jack YELL loudly "HEY YOU CAN'T KEEP FISH HERE " !!
I turn around and this clown has a salmon on a stringer over his shoulder.. He says "I know , I just want a picture and my camera is up at the wire"
I was in shock and we both wanted to just toss the clown into the drink to suffer with the dead fish he was about to release..
Ah well,
It was a fun trip even though I did not land a fish.. The players were few but the time shared was GREAT..
Jack is STILL the River master and somehow he continues to find all the players, Trout and Salmon alike :)
 Fish well Friend and hope to see ya soon ...

2013/10/02 16:52:41
Nice freakin early steelface Jack.
I envy you.
Ya I did't see the antics but when I saw 7 lazy twats parked at the closed lot because its too hard to walk in like everyone else I knew it was a waste of time there.
Glad you boys had fun.
Bear you won't find that line.
it is a ball of spit in the back of my car.
The most I left is a 6 inch piece or to of backing that may have gotten down in some cracks.
PS  back to the original for you Rich.
2013/10/02 16:59:17
i had no doubt about that, but i have one in pocket already, i'm sure i will get atleast one more this season
2013/10/02 17:16:28
hot tuna
Well call me a twat (lol) but I was parked there because that is supposed to be where we are to park.. Not on the side of the road like the signs say and lazy twats did, do....
It's not closed, it's just not completed .. Why ?
Lazy we were not, we walked a few miles each day :)
2013/10/02 17:23:52
Two Bob... nice story about your son... my first steelhead hooked was in the lfz in November 1991 the first year it opened... just below the tree in the water below the church hole...

Jack nice steel buddy!!!

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