2013/10/13 21:49:54
Clint S
Anyone have any ideas????
Would a sticky float needle cause surging under load.  2 stroke 20hp Johnson  circa early 90's.   Boat will start and idle fine and run fine just off idle .   Under load it will run good for 20 to 30 seconds and then  surge back and forth.   If it sits for a few minutes  back to the same,  run fine under load for 20 or 30 and then surge again.   
Oneida was too windy to fish today so we fished Sandypond  caught a bunch of Bluegills and Sunfish and 2 crappies.   Had the above issue throughout the day, not bad as the area we fished was not large and we did alot of drifting.
2013/10/14 09:00:17
hot tuna
Clint, one word " ETHANOL" darn farmers ..lol
The stuff is lethal to outboards or any carbureted motor for that matter if it sits for any length of time, even as little as 3 weeks sometimes..
It causes a varnish and will make the floats and needle valves stick..
Try just taking the bowl off and spraying with carb cleaner first (the easy route)..
It seems that your engine is starving once it wants more fuel.. At Idle the bowl will fill enough to keep it running at Idle so there is some restriction going on , aka gummed up..
During seasonal use its a good idea to put marine stabilizer in every fill up..
Good luck and I'd drain the carb and toss the fuel in the tank for winter storage.. 
2013/10/14 09:15:13
Clint S
Rich you are spot on.   The needle was stuck shut a few days earlier when prepping for this trip and that's all I did was take the bowl off and spray.   Looks like it was never really clean.  I do use marine ethanol treatment and try to use ethanol free gas, but the stuff from last fill up was corn based.   I removed the needle and seat last night and it did seem the needle was sticking a bit about 1/2 way.  Cleaned some gunk from below the seat too.   Going to take a buddies boat out today so will not get to test, maybe until next year.   I think a carb and fuel pump rebuild are in the works anyway.
Report from Oneida to follow if they ever get here to pick me up.
2013/10/14 13:45:03
For my chain saw,leaf blower,and weed wacker I use the highest octane,add fuel stabilizer and only buy what I will use in a month or so.Don't leave the gas get old,drain the tank if you don't use it.

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