2013/10/09 04:15:47
Can't remember where it was posted so I'll put this up.
Those dates HT posted don't work for me.
I could get up early on a Sat morning but putting an overnighter together is not in the cards.
Would still like to get together with a lot of folks here, I know I keep letting chances slip thru my fingers.
So on that note if anyone other than HT and me is interested  I would drive up for the morning.
That said I should have the last 2 Tues and Wed of Oct up there. Give a shout out if you're going to be around.
2013/10/09 07:09:12
Clint S
Only date that works for me would be 11/2  working all others.   I do have Thanksgiving week and second week of December off
2013/10/10 08:08:40
I took a header into the Genesee on Tuesday PM, landing most of my weight on the lower right leg.  While it seems inconceivable that I broke my leg and then walked the 1/2 mile uphill, as the swelling has subsided, the pain has increased, and there is an ugly bulge at the top of the right fibula, so I'll be talking to the Doc later.  Needless to say, I'm on injured reserve at least for a while.  If this is just a bad bruise, I will either already be up there on 11/2, or will be able to go; if it is a fracture, I'm likely not seeing any more fishies until the spring run.
2013/10/10 08:18:34
Clint S
Hey L  something I can give advice on.   It might not be that bad even if it is broken.  Fibula fractures are not  as severe as a fracture of the larger Tibia. The Fibula is smaller and not a weight bearing bone like the tibia. Its purpose is to provide an attachment surface for the muscles.  That said if it is completely possibly to walk on a broken   fibula.   if it is broken near he top and non displaced they may not even cast it and it would be weight bearing as tolerated.   If it is broken near the distal head (ankle)  they sometimes cast it to immobilize the ankle for better healing.    Here is hoping for a bad muscle strain which could give all the symptoms you have.   Good luck.
2013/10/10 09:59:27
hot tuna
L13, dude !! We are not as young as we used to be or as some may feel.. Easy brother... Hope it's just a nasty bump and you heal quickly...
Thurs 10-31 > Fri 11-1 works for me fishing wise.. I might be able to stick around overnight friday 11-1 for a meet and greet but I will need to bail very early sat >11-2 for the afternoon shift work..
Just so you folks know, that is the planned date for Project Healing Waters.. I don't think it will be super crazy but there will be some extra boats taking the vets out for some floating..
2013/10/10 10:26:31
not that i was invited, but i too would like to meet up with you guys, unfortunately i'm in erie that week end
2013/10/10 10:48:37
hot tuna
Everyone is welcome. Invitations not needed
2013/10/10 15:32:47
Just got back from the Doc, who told me basically exactly what Clint says.  You may be in the wrong business, Clint! He says no river fishing or mountain climbing unless I can find ones with 0% slope, but only through the remaining 72 hours of RICE, and a weekend of heat treatment.  So I'll be watching schedules etc and will hope to get away around Halloween, although I will be heartbroken at not getting to join the circus this weekend, NOT! 
Thanks for the concern all. see you when I can get the waders on over the swelling!
2013/10/10 15:52:08
Lucky dude don't you remember when that downed tree turned to mush under me and I rolled my ankle so bad it tore the ligament away taking a large chunk of bone with it.
I walked into Clarks falls with the next day on it.Pussed out on the fishing and limped back out and home to the doc but the point is I hiked in with you.
Put on your big boy pants and cowboy up!
2013/10/10 16:24:58
I have not been to Clarks' Falls since I was single and that was >25 years ago now.  Old Fa*ts take a lot longer to heal.  But I'll look at the workload to see if I can get a Tues Wed combo in a week or so, when it gets colder and the clouds of yellow jackets around the fetid carcasses get a little logier! 
I should also mention that the doc says no highjumping, hurdles, tapdancing or clogging for a couple of weeks!

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