2014/01/05 05:49:07
ice is 2.5 to 3"  i thought it was a litte thicker but its not be careful
2014/01/05 07:57:35
I went off the Venango launch yesterday.  Ice where I was fishing at measured with ruler was 3 1/2".  But different places off that launch varied. Everthing I looked at was between 3" and 3 1/2" of ice. There was two guys down towards the outflow of the **** that said ice was 1 1/2". Fishing was slow as I didn't move around at all. Not enough ice for me to do much roaming. Caught a perch and Pumpkin Seed blue gill. Eating size on both. Few other bumps on the lures. Waxworms seemed to work the best for me. At least for yesterday. Only stayed a couple hours.
 Oh and the lake was not making any noise. Indicating that it was not making any ice yesterday and it probably won't today either.
2014/01/05 13:17:32
I went out today. After loading up I talked to two different guys who said they left because water started coming up into their shanties. Walked about 30 yards off the venango launch and found a couple inches of slush and a couple inches of ice. I packed up and left lol not enough for this guy yet haha hopefully next weekend.
2014/01/15 10:14:09
Anyone know how much ice is out there after the rain!? Id like to try kahle iv never been there. Any tips or locations to try !?
2014/01/16 19:18:42
smally hunter
last fished it on monday ... ice off the clarion side was still quite black 6+ id say ... but shore ice was probably rough with the rain that night ... i imagine just a guess here but with the overnight tempts and what not im sure theres still fishable ice 5+ ... if you dont make it before i do will be down sunday evening for sure and will post a better report then ... bites been variable all around the lake but in my 3 trips iv brought home 40 eater size fish and threw back 20+ .... have heard of limits just depends when you get there
2014/01/18 14:24:52
Road Runner
fished it this morning ice was 5 to 6 inches today everywhere I fished. 
2014/02/03 06:57:52
was out on khale last Thursday, feb 27. a good 10 in of ice but couldn't find the fish! flasher doesn't help if your not on em! about 25 cranks with hand auger got me through the ice!
2014/02/03 11:05:08
Back from the future?
2014/02/21 16:56:57
Road Runner
Anyone been out there since the warm and the rain just wondering on the conditions
2014/02/23 10:48:10
Your so poor , saw you hobbling on the ice with one boot . Asked you " Did you loose a boot ???" you said " No , just found one !!!"
Anyone want to fish Tuesday or Wed??? looking to head out from the Venango side .
Your so poor , you carry your food stamps in a money clip !!!!!

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